Hi, do you remember the photos that I put on my blog on BN giving away RM200 to Kelantan voters in Kuala Lumpur to go back to cast vote in Kelantan. This issue was published in the media too. I submitted a Parliament question to PM to ask what action has been taken by ACA…
Kos Penggunaan Jet Eksekutif Oleh PM Dalam Pilihan Raya
PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYAT PERTANYAAN LISAN DARIPADA : YB. DATO’ SERI ABDUL HADI BIN AWANG TARIKH : 30 APRIL 2008 (RABU) SOALAN: YB. DATO’ SERI ABDUL HADI BIN AWANG (MARANG) minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan berapakah jumlah perbelanjaan yang ditanggung oleh Kerajaan sepanjang tempoh kempen Pilihan Raya Umum Ke 12 dari 24 Februari sehingga 7 Mac 2008…
Kerajaan Pusat Tidak Akan Mendiskriminasikan Kerajaan Negeri Yang Ditadbir Oleh DAP-PKR-PAS Dari Segi Penarikan Pelaburan
PEMBERITAHU PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYAT, MALAYSIA PERTANYAAN : LISAN DARIPADA : Y.B. PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM KAWASAN : SEPUTEH TARIKH : 05.05.2008 (ISNIN) SOALAN: Y.B. PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM minta MENTERI PERDAGANGAN ANTARABANGSA DAN INDUSTRI menyatakan sama ada Kementerian akan terus bekerjasama dengan lima Kerajaan negeri ditadbir oleh DAP-PKR-PAS untuk pelaburan asing dan memberi…
I am now a third term MP
I qued up to wait for my turn to swear in as MP. This photo was taken by YB Loh Gwo Burne, the PKR MP for Kelana Jaya from his seat. I was finally sworn in as a third term Member of Parliament on Monday. I feel great to be able to come back to…
郭素沁:與中央缺乏協調 官員成夾心人 (巴生25日訊)雪州高級行政議員郭素沁指出,民聯政府與聯邦政府缺乏協調,官員成為“夾心人”,也為州內發展及投資計劃帶來無形障礙。 她說,民聯政府雖已取得雪州政權,但一些權限仍在聯邦政府手中,好像道路,有些屬于州政府管轄,有些又歸為聯邦政府屬下單位如公共工程局或大道公司權限。 服務不分彼此 郭素沁披露,外國投資者來雪州投資,同樣無可避免牽涉聯邦政府政策,因外國投資者來馬投資或引入相關領域的外籍專家來馬工作等事項,皆需經過聯邦政府,並非州政府掌權。 “投資者除了考量州內投資環境,州與聯邦政府之間的合作關係,也是他們考量因素。” 她說,州與聯邦政府必須加強協調,才能吸引投資者,可惜國陣政府自大選落敗后,迄今還未恢復元氣,更發生內亂及互相指責,連官員也一片混亂,新政策更令人難理解。 她舉例,學校不得邀請反對黨成員出席校內活動,但各校都向她要求撥款及出席活動,又怎么處理?
Meeting With Residents of Puchong
Meeting representative of Resident Associations of Puchong Some of the residents of Puchong are quite pro-active people. This is the impression that I got ever since I stepped into Puchong. Two ‘activists’ in Puchong took the initiative to organise a ‘meeting the people session’ for me. One was organised by Mahmud Baba with the Bukit…
It’s go, go, go with Teresa
By THO XIN YI MY ADUN: Kinrara Full name: Teresa Kok Suh Sim (DAP) Age: 44 Marital status: Single Hometown: Kuala Lumpur Education: Universiti Sains Malaysia (Bachelor of Communications), Universiti Malaya (BA in political science, Master in Philosophy) Party positions: DAP national publicity secretary, Wanita DAP national secretary Government position: Selangor Senior State Executive Councillor…
Thanksgiving party for Elections helpers in Seputeh & Kinrara
Dear friends, I have organised two thanksgiving dinners in both Seputeh constituency and Kinrara Constituency. Each dinner was attended by about thousand people. It was very encouraging to see the crowd, the election fever was not over yet. Many people are very encouraged to see the changes in political scenario resulted by their votes on…