Teresa Kok is in the midst of hiring bodyguards to protect herself and her family, reports the NST.
First Lady of Controversy
By Frankie D'Cru, Malay Mail, Oct 6. Sassy MP Teresa Kok may be Ms Congeniality, but she is also the First Lady of Controversy. Her amiability aside, she has had to endure the abysmal temperament of racial politics regularly, far more than most politicians. There are those who malign her as a Chinese dogmatist and…
In step with the rakyat
Will major parties grappling with a changing political climate have the clear-mindedness to reform their parties or will they remain stuck in a context whose sell-by date has long expired?
My picture ripped out from Raya banner
A BANNER put up by Kinrara assemblyman Teresa Kok for Hari Raya was found cut up on Sunday morning. The banner had a picture of her and Puchong MP Gobind Singh. Her picture was cut out but Gobind’s was left intact. It was put up in Jalan Puchong, near the entrance of Kampung Pasir Baru…
Sambutan Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 01.10.08
Saya mengunjung hormat DYMM Sultan Selangor pada Hari Raya. Pasangan di sebelah Tuanku ialah YB Teng Chang Khim, speaker DUN Selangor dan isterinya. 1 Oktober 2008 merupakan hari yang telah dinanti-nantikan oleh semua kaum di Malaysia. Perkara pertama yang saya lakukan pada Hari Raya ialah mengunjung hormat DYMM Sultan Selangor di istananya pada pagi hari…
Police reports against extremists’ text messages
Statement by Carmen Leong (Chief of Cheras DAP Wanita) after lodging her first police report on 30th Sept. Today, I lodge a police report in my capacity as the Wanita Chief of DAP Cheras. I have received annoying and violent sms-es in the few days before Molotov cocktails were thrown at YB Teresa’s parents’ house…
Teresa Kok and the supremacist minority
Commentary by Wan Hamidi Hamid, Malaysian Insider. OCT 2 — Teresa Kok must be wondering why some Malays are adamant in portraying her as a Chinese chauvinist, villain of peace and enemy of Islam. With her impeccable record as the most hardworking wakil rakyat and the Member of Parliament with the highest majority votes in…
Police report on ‘teach Kok a lesson’ SMS
A police report has been lodged over two mobile phone text messages that alleged DAP Seputeh MP Teresa Kok is “anti-Islam” and “anti-Malays”[sic] and that “she should be taught a lesson”. The report was lodged by Cheras DAP Wanita chief Carmen Leong at the Pudu police station this morning after she received at least five…