After the Parliament finished debating on both bills on solid waste and cleaning services, moved to debate the bill of amendment to the Local Government Act. Ong Ka Ting then left the bills of Local Government Act, Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 and Town and Country Planning Act 1976 to his Parliamentary Secretary, Dr…
Solid Waste & Public Cleasing Management Corporation Bill 2007
The Solid Waste and Public Cleasing Management Corporation Bill 2007 is in its second reading and debate after Ong Ka Ting replied to it. This bill concentrates more on the functions and roles of the corporation. A few MPs, including I, have been questioning the proposed roles of this ‘corporation of solid waste and cleansing…
Parliament Debates Rubbish Bills
The Parliament yesterday debated two important bills on solid waste management. I was busy reading and writing my speech besides attending to other businesses. Under the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Corporation and Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management bills, the roles of collecting rubbish, approval for the construction, alternation, or closure of prescribed…
Mother Teresa my role model
The MP for Seputeh who calls herself ‘Sassy MP’ admits that being female and single has made her the object of jokes in various places and occasions, from the Parliament to public forums.
过去10年来,国内一些非政府组织经常乘大选来临前,向朝野国会议员和政党提出一些人民的诉求,并要这些代议士和将竞选的政党表态。曾经扮演这向政党施压角色的,包括提出“妇女改革议程”的妇女组织及华团诉求工委会。通常基于大选即将来临,大部份的政党和议员都会应酬这些提出政见和诉求的团体,接纳他们的大选诉求,以免被这些非政府组织在大选运动期间“唱”衰他们。 令人记忆犹新的是,在1999年,当安华支持者大喊“烈火莫息”运动时,前首相马哈迪甚至接纳华团大选诉求,但是当国阵重掌政权的一年后,他除了不认账之外,甚至通过巫青团来逼使华团搁置诉求里的重要条文。 在大选蹙音将近的当儿,一些关心国家政局的人士,又开始他们影响选举成绩的政治行动了。这回与上两届的非政府组织运动不同之处是,除了发起人和以往不同之外,这回他们通过部落格来推动他们的运动。其中最积极的是“公民的智囊”(Citizen’s Think Tank) 和“人民的国会”(The People’s Parliament)。
Shot at 2007-06-26 士布爹行动党联委会于2007年6月26日(星期二)在吉隆坡发表的文告 士布爹行动党欢迎陈志聪退党 士布爹行动党对郭素沁国会议员前义务助理陈志聪宣布退出行动党表示欢迎。 士布爹行动党副主席李奕俊今日发表文告说,在陈志聪在离开士布爹马华而参加士布爹行动党后,除了在初期比较积极之外,接下来他便一直在党内和党外制造问题,这包括在党员之间挑拨离间,在处理党内和党外社团事务上钱财不清,给士布爹行动党和郭素沁国会议员带来诸多困扰。 李奕俊对陈志聪公开支持因钱财问题而被行动党纪律委员会开除党籍的邝志胜感到惊讶。因为在陈志聪加入士布爹行动党后,他便一直向郭素沁国会议员施压,要郭素沁辞退邝志胜,但是现在却公然力挺邝志胜,反映出他前后不一和没有原则的立场。 他说,当陈志聪身还未离开士布爹马华时,便到处公开抨击士布爹马华的领导人,当他加入士布爹行动党后,却又在公开的场合多番抨击行动党,同时特别针对当年提拔他成为义务助理和直辖区行动党州委,并且多番袒护陈志聪的郭素沁国会议员。 陈志聪此次退党,除了显示出他难以答复行动党纪律委员会对他的行为的质问之外,更显示出他是个言行不一和忘恩负义的人。他离开行动党,肯定有助于促进士布爹行动党的团结,同时也是士布爹行动党值得欢庆的事。 李奕俊
RM30k gift a lie
None of the DAP MPs that I know of have received the RM30,000 to fund activities to celebrate the nation’s 50 years of independence in their constituencies. The Star on Friday reported Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim saying the money was to be used for gotong-royong, processions, performances and campaigns…
Asean must get tougher on Burma
by Gerald Giam The extension of the imprisonment of Burma’s pro-democracy leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, on May 27, 2007 was a widely expected move by the country’s military government, which has already kept her under detention for most of the 17 years since her party won the national elections by a landslide in…