Putrajaya: Canberra committed to ‘Malaysia Solution’ UPDATED @ 07:36:25 PM 10-10-2011 By Clara Chooi October 10, 2011 Gillard’s administration is expected to come up a vote short in its bid to pass the refugee swap bill. — Reuters pic KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 10 — Putrajaya expressed confidence today in Canberra’s commitment to a contentious…
Putera 1Malaysia Club allowed use of military assets
http://malaysiakini.com/news/177937 Putera 1Malaysia Club allowed use of military assets S Pathmawathy 7:53PM Oct 6 The government gave its permission to Putera 1Malaysia Club to utilise military assets – aircraft, a C130 Hercules transport plane as well as military personnel -for its humanitarian mission to Somalia, Parliament has been informed. The entire cost of the humanitarian…
Selangor mencapai bilangan projek perindustrian tertinggi di Malaysia bagi Januari – Julai 2011
Kenyataan akhbar oleh Teresa Kok, EXCO Kanan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor bagi Pelaburan, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan di Shah Alam pada 5 Oktober 2011 Selangor mencapai bilangan projek perindustrian yang diluluskan yang tertinggi di Malaysia berbanding negeri-negeri lain bagi tempoh Januari – Julai 2011 Statistik terkini MIDA (Malaysia Industrial Development Authority) mengenai pelaburan…
RM2m spent on 11,000 cops to stop Bersih rally, Parliament told
http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/rm2m-spent-for-11000-cops-to-stop-bersih-rally-parliament-told RM2m spent on 11,000 cops to stop Bersih rally, Parliament told By Melissa Chi October 04, 2011 Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said today a total of 11,046 police officers from all over the country were stationed in the Klang Valley area during the period in question. — file pic KUALA LUMPUR,…
Good news for Puchong residents! Selangor approved land for SJKC Yak Chee, SMJK Katholik and autism school
Good news for Puchong residents! Today (3 October 2011), I was very happy to announce that the state government of Selangor has approved school land application by SJKC Yak Chee, SMJK Catholic and Persatuan Autisme Malaysia (for an autistic school). All three pieces of land are located in the Taman Tasik Prima…
Hukum hudud is not Pakatan Rakyat agenda
KENYATAAN BERSAMAMAJLIS PIMPINAN PAKATAN RAKYAT 28 September 2011 Mesyuarat Pakatan Rakyat malam ini memperakui dan mempertahankan dasar-dasarbersama yang telah dipersetujui sebelum ini sepertimana terkandung dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Dasar Bersama dan Buku Jingga. PakatanRakyat terus memperteguhkan iltizam politik bagi mempertingkatkan daya-saingekonomi, pendapatan rakyat, mutu pendidikan, kesihatan dan menangani koskehidupan yang semakin menekan. Mesyuaratjuga memperakui dan…
MCA repeating lies on SJKT Castlefield Puchong’s school land application problem to smear Teresa Kok’s name
Press statement by Mandy Ooi, Personal Assistant to Selangor State Senior EXCO Teresa Kok in Shah Alam on 28 September 2011 MCA repeating lies on SJKT Castlefield Puchong’s school land application problem to smear Teresa Kok’s name when the chairman of the school board has already refuted their accusation and spoken in her defence…
促教育部积极协助卡斯特迁校 郭素沁否认指竞智华小抢校地
http://malaysiakini.com/news/176980 雪州高级行政议员郭素沁(右图)强调,她由始至终并没有反对竞智华小迁入蒲种,反之,她只是带出卡斯特菲尔淡小的困境及迁校问题。 她也否认本身曾发表“竞智华小‘抢了’卡斯特菲尔淡小校地”的言论,并呼吁教育部及该部副部长魏家祥博士正视卡斯特菲尔淡小的问题,协助该校迁校。 教育部有多块蒲种土地 郭素沁也是金銮区州议员。她今日发文告说,蒲种还有很多块隶属中央政府的校地,因此,教育部要协助卡斯特菲尔淡小迁校是轻而易举的事。 她批评魏家祥,指后者昨日会见卡斯特菲尔淡小董事部代表后,并没有表态积极协助该校另觅校地。