Commentary by Wan Hamidi Hamid, Malaysian Insider. OCT 2 — Teresa Kok must be wondering why some Malays are adamant in portraying her as a Chinese chauvinist, villain of peace and enemy of Islam. With her impeccable record as the most hardworking wakil rakyat and the Member of Parliament with the highest majority votes in…
Police report on ‘teach Kok a lesson’ SMS
A police report has been lodged over two mobile phone text messages that alleged DAP Seputeh MP Teresa Kok is “anti-Islam” and “anti-Malays”[sic] and that “she should be taught a lesson”. The report was lodged by Cheras DAP Wanita chief Carmen Leong at the Pudu police station this morning after she received at least five…
“Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri – Maaf Zahir dan Batin”
Semasa seluruh negara membuat persiapan menyambut perayaan Hari Raya Puasa keesokan hari, saya ingin menyampaikan salam tulus ikhlas kepada rakyat Malaysia berugama Islam. Rakyat Malaysia tidak kira kepercayaan ugama dan kaum akan bersama-sama dengan saudara-saudari berugama Islam meraikan perayaan dan memperkukuhkan pertalian mesra antara-ugama dan antara-kaum. Budaya majmuk unik kita membolehkan kita saling menyambut pelbagai perayaan-perayaan…
Selamat Hari Raya Message
As we prepare to celebrate the Hari Raya Puasa festivities tomorrow, I wish to extend my warm greetings and good wishes to all Malaysians of the Muslim faith. Malaysians regardless of religious belief and ethnicity will be joining their Muslim brothers and sisters in the celebrations and to strengthen interfaith and inter-ethnic ties. Our unique…
Majlis Berbuka Puasa di Kg Tengah, Puchong
Pada 25 September 2008, saya pergi menghadiri di Majlis Berbuka Puasa di Kg Tengah di Batu 13, Puchong. Pada pagi itu, seorang ahli PKR telefon saya dan menawarkan perkhidmatan “escort” kepada saya dan menjaga keselamatan bagi saya. Dia kata dia selalu berbuat begitu untuk Dato’ Seri Anwar. Saya amat terharu atas sukarelaan beliau terhadap saya. …
Penjelasan Tentang Pakai Skirt Masuk Masjid
Kenyataan Tentang Pakai Skirt Masuk Masjid Selepas YB Teresa dibebaskan pada hari Jumaat 19hb Sep. beliau sibuk dari siang sampai larut malam dengan berbagai program kemesraan jemputan pengundi-pengundi dan penyokong-penyokong termasuk majlis berbuka puasa di perkarangan Masjid Nurrusaadah di Cheras Baru. Selepas dibebaskan pada pukul kira-kira 1.20 ptg, beliau tidak sempat balik ke rumah pun,…
Molotov Cocktail Thrown At My House
Press statement by YB Teresa Kok, Exco of Selangor State Government, MP for Seputeh and ADUN of Kinrara On 27th September 2008 at Kuala Lumpur Authorities Urged to Conduct Thorough Investigation On Molotov Cocktail Hurled Into Family Residence I am deeply saddened and most perturbed upon hearing from my family first thing this morning…
Two UMNO-owned papers, two different positions
The circus in UMNO is getting more and more interesting. Looks like we are going to have a new PM soon. LOL In order to cover up the power struggle within UMNO, Utusan has been making me its “cover girl” in the past few days. I am quite please to see the way they made me…