Tarikh: 12 Oktober 2008 (Ahad) Masa: 7:30 mlm Tempat: Jln TK5/14, Padang Awam, Taman Mawar, Puchong Penceramah: Haji Mohd Sabu (Naib Presiden PAS) YB Teresa Kok (exco kanan Selangor) YB Gobind Singh Deo (Ahli Parlimen Puchong) YB Khalid Samad (Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam) YB Yaakob Sapari (exco Selangor) YB Dr Halimah Ali (exco Selangor) Ustaz…
My Suit Against Utusan & Zaini Hassan
From left: YB Lim Lip Eng (Segambut), YB Fong Kui Lun (Bukit Bintang), Yours Truly, my lawyer Sankara Nair. My statement of claim:
Rm30 mil suit against Utusan, writer
Seputeh MP Teresa Kok has filed a RM30 million defamation suit against Utusan Melayu and its columnist Mohd Zaini Hassan. She is seeking RM30 million in damages over an article titled “Azan, Jawi, Jais, UiTM dan ba-alif-ba-ya” published in the Malay-language newspaper on Sept 10 which she alleges was maliciously intended to defame her. The…
Majlis Rumah Terbuka Hari Raya & Ceramah di USJ 16 (9 Okt 08)
Hi, kawan-kawan, Saya akan mengadakan satu majlis rumah terbuka. Saya dan rakan-rakan Pakatan Rakyat berbesar hati menjemput saudara-saudari untuk menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri bersama-sama. Tarikh: 9 Oktober 2008 (Khamis) Masa: 7:30 mlm Tempat: Kawasan Lapang di Jln USJ 16/1, USJ 16 Ceramah akan bermula pada pukul 8.45pm
Teresa to hire bodyguards for family
Teresa Kok is in the midst of hiring bodyguards to protect herself and her family, reports the NST.
First Lady of Controversy
By Frankie D'Cru, Malay Mail, Oct 6. Sassy MP Teresa Kok may be Ms Congeniality, but she is also the First Lady of Controversy. Her amiability aside, she has had to endure the abysmal temperament of racial politics regularly, far more than most politicians. There are those who malign her as a Chinese dogmatist and…
In step with the rakyat
Will major parties grappling with a changing political climate have the clear-mindedness to reform their parties or will they remain stuck in a context whose sell-by date has long expired?
My picture ripped out from Raya banner
A BANNER put up by Kinrara assemblyman Teresa Kok for Hari Raya was found cut up on Sunday morning. The banner had a picture of her and Puchong MP Gobind Singh. Her picture was cut out but Gobind’s was left intact. It was put up in Jalan Puchong, near the entrance of Kampung Pasir Baru…