Media statement by Teresa Kok, Member of Parliament for Seputeh on 16 October 2010 in Kuala Lumpur. Najib’s ad hoc 100-storey tower proposal a short term ego boost at expense of KL’s long term viability Prime Minister Najib’s proposal to build a 100-storey tower in the Stadium Merdeka area smacks of egotism and complete disregard…
Jawapan parlimen: Mengapa FDI jatuh sebanyak 81% dalam 2009 dan bagaimana Kerajaan menarik pelaburan ke Malaysia?
PEMBERITAHU PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYAT, MALAYSIA Pertayaan : Lisan Daripada : Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim Kawasan: : Seputeh Tarikh : 11.10.2010 (Isnin) No. Soalan : 14 PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM minta MENTERI PERDAGANGAN ANTARAGABANGSA DAN INDUSTRI menyatakan pecahan pelaburan langsung (FDI) mengikut negara pada tahun 2007, 2008, 2009 dan penggal ketiga 2010; Apakah sebab…
Trade and investment dialogue with delegation from Poland
Two weeks ago, Hannah Yeoh and I together with SSIC had a dialogue on trade and investment opportunities with a large delegation from Tri-State region in Poland. They were impressed with the i-City development in Selangor. They said that they have no such knowledge-based development in Poland. Many thanks to i-City for giving the Poles…
Objecting to DBKL’s building approval together with Sri Petaling residents
Last Monday morning, I held a press conference with the residents of Sri Petaling to express our objection towards DBKL’s approval of the renovation and extension of a house into a 3 to 4-storey bungalow in the double-storey residential area. The residents are very concerned that the construction is illegal, and that it is unsafe…
批建洋房沒徵詢民意‧居民非議隆市局做法 * 雪隆 2010-10-05 09:54 大城堡N區居民對住宅區內出現三層樓洋房工程感到擔心,紛紛在周一上午聚集在洋房外,后來也在屋主及代表律師同意下進入屋內參觀,以厘清謠言。 (圖:星洲日報)(吉隆坡4日訊)舊巴生路大城堡N區居民非議吉隆坡市政局在批准該區一間兩層房屋重建為三層樓的洋房前,沒有事先徵詢居民意見,讓他們很不滿! 居民表示,8/149K的房屋工程是在年初動工,居民先後在一月和三月針對屋主打算在已拆除的兩層房屋處承建三層樓事件向市政局城市與建筑物設計組投訴後,對方一度暫停工程,惟在今年8月初又再動工。 郭素沁(右)向陳姓屋主(左)和梁華鑛了解居民對三層樓洋房的疑問。 (圖:星洲日報)
Sertai “Dialog Bersama MPSJ dan Polis” pada Isnin, 4 Oktober 2010, 8.30 malam di Balai Rakyat MPSJ, Bandar Kinrara 2
Minta perhatian para penduduk Puchong! Terutamanya penduduk Bandar Kinrara 1, 2 dan 3. Anda dijemput ke “Dialog Bersama MPSJ dan Polis” dan juga saya. Tarikh: Isnin, 4 Oktober 2010 Waktu: 8.30 malam Tempat: Balai Rakyat MPSJ, Jalan BK 2/10, Bandar Kinrara 2 . Lihat Peta Kami akan membincangkan isu-isu keselamatan, pembangunan dan alam sekitar. Acara…
Soalan parlimen saya (Seputeh) bagi Sidang Parlimen 11 Oktober – 15 Disember 2010
Saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih bagi mereka yang menyumbangkan idea dan cadangan soalan-soalan parlimen kepada saya bagi sidang parlimen 11 Oktober – 15 Disember 2010. Saya juga ingin memberi penerangan bagaimana saya memilih soalan untuk ditujukan kepada Kabinet. Saya hanya dibenarkan menanya 10 soalan lisan dan 5 soalan bertulis. Oleh itu, saya mesti memilih…
Talk & Change forum with 988 DJ Jamal and Hishamuddin Rais
Last Monday, I spoke at a “Talk & Change” forum organised by my Seputeh service center together with the famous 988 DJ Jamal and Hishamuddin Rais at Hotel Seri Petaling. It was a great time because the other two speakers were fiery and funny and the 200-strong audience was also very enthusiastic. I spoke about…