行动党全国组织秘书兼士布爹区国会议员郭素沁于2011年4月18日(星期一)在吉隆坡发表的文告郭素沁呼吁马华总会长不要一味指责砂州华裔选民不投票支持国阵,而应该自我检讨国阵本身的政策 马华总会长蔡细历日前在砂州选举后,一面批评行动党“以华制华“,另一方面又呼吁人联党不加入砂州内阁,然后又说马华霹雳州行政议员马汉顺不应辞内阁职,因为砂州选举与霹雳州变天是两回事;接着又批评砂州华裔选民自我检讨是否被行动党误导等言论,充分反映出蔡细历语无伦次和思路不清的思想状态。
DAP refutes Pakatan reneged on promise to Sarawak church leaders
Malaysia Insider has reported (article reproduced below) that Association of Churches Sarawak secretary-general repeatedly said that he had been misquoted by Bernama. “It’s a misperception,” he replied when asked to verify the report, saying that he had spoken to the state news agency’s editor about the mistake earlier. And that he had not barred PR…
My response to The Star article on alleged statement by Association of Churches Sarawak
11.45am Important Update. Please also refer to the latest Malaysian Insider report where Secretary-General of Association of Churches Sarawak said that he had been misquoted by Bernama and that’s he’s already contacted the Editor. —- I’m surprised that The Star reported yesterday (article reproduced below) that the Association of Churches Sarawak (ACS) has expressed regret…
Kong Cho Ha, still in denial of his and MCA’s juvenile race-based politics
Press statement by Teresa Kok, DAP National Organising Secretary, Selangor State Senior EXCO and Member of Parliament for Seputeh in Sri Aman on 14 April 2011 Kong Cho Ha, a confused, fear-mongering MCA Secretary-General still in denial of his and MCA’s juvenile race-based politics I repeat my call to MCA Secretary General and…
Puuthanda vaztukal and Happy Vaisakhi!
Introducing DAP candidates for Kuching and Miri :-)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S_DsY1uIm8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IACLlosE_A For information on DAP’s other candidates, please visit: http://sarawak4change.com/calon/
Watch Ubah v.s.Taib (ver. Iban)