For Pope Ratzinger, religions should be compared on the basis of the cultures and civilizations they generate. To avoid a clash of civilizations, Islam should distance itself from terrorist violence; the west from secularist and atheistic violence. This is the analysis of a renowned expert, who last September participated in a meeting on Islam behind…
Apakah Pencapaian Subjek Matematik Dan Sains, Murid-murid SJKC Di Bawah Formula 2-4-3?
PEMBERITAHU PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYAT, MALAYSIA PERTANYAAN : LISAN DARIPADA : Y.B PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM KAWASAN : SEPUTEH TARIKH : 21.09.2006 (KHAMIS) SOALAN: Y.B PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM [SEPUTEH] minta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan apakah pencapaian subjek Matematik dan Sains, murid-murid SJKC di bawah formula 2-4-3. Apakah medium bahasa yang akan digunakan dalam peperiksaan…