By THO XIN YI MY ADUN: Kinrara Full name: Teresa Kok Suh Sim (DAP) Age: 44 Marital status: Single Hometown: Kuala Lumpur Education: Universiti Sains Malaysia (Bachelor of Communications), Universiti Malaya (BA in political science, Master in Philosophy) Party positions: DAP national publicity secretary, Wanita DAP national secretary Government position: Selangor Senior State Executive Councillor…
Thanksgiving party for Elections helpers in Seputeh & Kinrara
Dear friends, I have organised two thanksgiving dinners in both Seputeh constituency and Kinrara Constituency. Each dinner was attended by about thousand people. It was very encouraging to see the crowd, the election fever was not over yet. Many people are very encouraged to see the changes in political scenario resulted by their votes on…
Sri Petaling folks recount horrifying experiences
By Tho Xin Yi, The Star. SRI Petaling residents are worried about the crime rate that is increasing in their neighbourhood. A group of them got together recently to recount the terrifying incidents that had happened to them and hope that something would be done to restore peace. Kindergarten teacher Liew Ee Choo had a…
Meeting Between Opposition MPs & Minister of FT
a. On 4th April, Minister of Federal Territory Zulhasnan called a meeting of all FT MPs. He made this move after we criticised Pak Lah for setting up this ministry and put him as the minister in charge as he was the only BN MP who won in the March general elections in Kuala Lumpur.
My Service Teams
Dear friends, Tthe MCA Seputeh chaps criticised me for my inability service to the people alone. I did not bother to rebut them. Just to let them know thef I won with great majority in Seputeh Parliamentary seat and Kinrara state seat, and many voters voted for me because they want the service of the…
Be fair to me
by Soon Li Tsin, malaysiakini, Apr 15.As both Seputeh parliamentarian and Kinrara state assembly representative, Teresa Kok has had to deflect criticism that she has taken on too many political posts. She explains the situation in an interview and also talks about how she is managing the Selangor investment, industry and commerce portfolio. Tell us…
Kenyataan MB Selangor – Projek Ternakan Babi Moden Di Ladang Tumbuk
KENYATAAN MEDIA 09 APRIL 2008 PENJELASAN KELULUSAN KEPUTUSAN MESYUARAT EXCO BERHUBUNG PROJEK TERNAKAN BABI MODEN DI LADANG TUMBUK, KUALA LANGAT SHAH ALAM – Kerajaan Negeri Selangor hari ini ingin menjelaskan kelulusan projek ternakan babi moden yang akan dilaksanakan di Ladang Tumbuk, Mukim Batu, Kuala Langat yang kini hangat diperkatakan. Merujuk kepada Mesyuarat Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan…
Residents protest against pig farm project
Apr 9, 08 5:36pm Residents affected by the proposed RM100 million pig farm in Kuala Langat today protested against the project in front of the Selangor menteri besar’s office in Shah Alam. According to Bernama some 200 residents from Kampung Tumbuk Darat, Tanjung Sepat, Tanjung Laut, Kampung Layang, Kundang and Kampung Indah, gathered from 10.30am,…