Residents of Sri Petaling and I oppose the decision made by DBKL without consulting the residents. Today I held a press conference at Sri Petaling to bring up the issue of DBKL’s decision to convert an allocated lot for hawkers, market and bus terminal – to a mixed development area. This is strongly opposed by the…
28 April 2012: Bersih 3.0
The day the streets were filled up (peacefully) by the rakyat and cleared up (violently) by the authorities. An amazing and hopeful sight – the yellow brigade flooding the streets of KL… marching in unison and chanting with gusto and high-spirits. Then came the menacing attacks, as many of you would have witnessed personally and…
Spring Single Mothers’ Society stands by its advisor
Press Statement by Ng Yoot Kuen, Chairperson of Malaysian Spring Single Mothers’ Society on 27th April 2012 (Friday) at Kuala Lumpur (27 April, Kuala Lumpur) Ng Yoot Kuen, Chairperson of the Malaysian Spring Single Mothers’ Society, expressed regrets that the MP for Nibong Tebal Tan Tee Beng helped Teresa Kok’s former volunteer assistant, Tony…
Home Minister’s U-turn on Bersih a black mark on the government’s claim of being open to public sentiment
Press Statement by Teresa Kok, Member of Parliament for Seputeh and DAP National Organising Secretary, Kuala Lumpur – 27 April 2012. I regret to read the decision of the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, to ‘legitimise’ a police crackdown on tomorrow’s Bersih 3.0 rally. Given Hishamuddin had claimed only last week that Bersih…
Breaking NEWS: Police get court order, Dataran off-limits for 4 days
The Magistrate’s Court has issued a court order barring Bersih 3.0 from the vicinity of Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur tomorrow until May 1, said Bersih. According to the notice issued yesterday evening, the ban includes roads leading to the iconic landmark. Refer to malaysiaini report: What are the government so afraid of? Why can’t…
民主行动党士布爹区国会议员郭素沁26-4-2012于吉隆坡发表声明。 (吉隆坡26日讯) 民主行动党士布爹区国会议员郭素沁指出,她对吉隆坡市长阿末弗亚表示,市政局将向那些参与净选盟3.0 .於 428在吉隆坡独立广场举行静坐抗议的集会者,采取强硬的对付行动感到震惊。 她说,当首相纳吉和内政部长希山慕丁,甚至总警长依斯迈,都不约而同地苟同由净选盟3.0和绿色盛会组织联办的428和平静坐大集会之际,阿末弗亚是否要向他的顶头上司,充分展示他在隆市拥有绝对的权力阻止该和平集会?“纵使中央政府为了不愿得罪人民,而不反对该项和平集会活动?又或者阿末弗亚试图破坏国阵政府对人民的宽待与奉承,而让人民参与在第13届全国大选前的选举改革和平集会呢?” 也是民主行动党全国组织秘书的郭素沁今天发表文告说,她怀疑阿末弗亚的举动,是否受首相及中央政府的指示。 她说,这数个月以来,她看见中央政府对和平集会非常宽容;然而首相与内长是否利用阿末弗亚,作为他们的傀儡,以阻止这项和平大集会呢? 她表示,由于隆市是归由中央政府的管辖范围,因此,她促请国阵领袖及中央政府对阿末弗亚的声明表明立场,包括这是否中央政府的双重指标,亦或阿末弗亚不服从中央政府的指示而擅自发言? “倘若阿末弗亚的声明不代表中央政府的意愿,那么,我促请首相和内长公开谴责阿末弗亚激怒民众愚昧的声明。”
Does the KL Mayor think he is an IGP or a Home Minister?
Press Statement by Teresa Kok, Member of Parliament for Seputeh and DAP National Organising Secretary, Kuala Lumpur – 26 April 2012. I am appalled by the warning made by Tan Sri Fuad Ahmad Ismail, mayor of Kuala Lumpur, to Bersih that the participants will face the music if they gather at Dataran Merdeka on…
Kerajaan Negeri Akan Lancar “Kempen Selangorku Bersih” Untuk Bantu SPR
By Sheridan Mahavera – April 19, 2012 PUTRAJAYA 19 APR : Kerajaan Negeri hari ini mengumumkan sedia bekerjasama dengan pihak Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) dalam usaha membersihkan daftar pemilih khususnya di negeri Selangor melalui “Kempen SelangorKU Bersih”. Pengumuman itu dibuat di lobi Ibu Pejabat SPR di sini sejurus selesai pertemuan antara rombongan Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul…