Jalan Taman Seputeh In the near future, all the roads in Kuala Lumpur will be erected with the road signs with Bahasa Malaysia and Jawi words. Most people in Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia cannot read Jawi. This made us wonder why DBKL erected so many road signs with Jawi words.
Friends, I need YOUR help
Dear Friends, The PM has just dissolved parliament and we will be facing general elections very very soon. I will be defending my Seputeh seat and the party has instructed me to also contest a Selangor state seat as well. As sitting MP for Seputeh for two terms, it is time I move out of…
Gong Xi Fa Cai! 新年快乐!
My family and I wish everybody Gong Xi Fa Cai. 🙂 I’ll be going around Seputeh with a Lion Dance troupe, trying to raise much needed donations for you-know-what la. I won’t be doing the dancing though, I’ll just be helping to make helluva lot of noise — like yam seng! — to add to…
Seputeh MP may contest Kinrara
By LIM CHIA YING SEPUTEH MP Teresa Kok has been visiting Puchong recently and her visits have stirred up speculation that the DAP strong woman is planning to contest the Kinrara state seat. Kok was among others who submitted objections for the Subang Jaya Municipal Council local draft plan on Monday. When asked by reporters…
http://www.chinapress.com.my/content_new.asp?dt=2008-01-29&sec=local&art=0129lk06.txt 中国报 28-1-2008 (星期二) (梳邦28日訊)行動黨士布爹區國會議員郭素沁說,儘管坊間傳出她將出戰金鑾州選區,但黨中央未做最後決定,一切還是未知數。 郭素沁是在行動黨雪州主席歐陽捍華、兩位助理賢美儀、黃芯慧等陪同下,今日針對梳邦再也市議會地方發展藍圖,提呈反對和建議備忘錄時,這麼指出。 她說,目前確實傳出許多她被委派到其他地區上陣的消息,其中包括金鑾州選區。 她說,迄今不管是行動黨還是國陣,都還沒有針對委派候選人做出最後決定。 “派兵遣將的事就交由黨決定,沒有到最後,也不知道誰會被派往哪一區。” 交黨決定 郭素沁透露,行動黨在金鑾區已設有服務中心,也是蒲種區多個支部的活動會所。 她說,士布爹國會選區就位于蒲種毗鄰,選區一些居民、各行業人士在搬往蒲種居住後,有部分搬遷后還有繼續向她尋求協助。 “因此我的助理也常在該服務中心,協助處理和接受各項民生投訴。” 針對2020年發展藍圖 提16項反對及建議 針對梳邦再也市議會2020年地方發展草擬藍圖,行動黨蒲種區各支部提出16項反對和建議。 士布爹區國會議員郭素沁今日代表這些支部,提呈備忘錄給市議會,要求檢討藍圖草擬。 她說,反對和建議範圍包括休閒公園、阿依淡森林保留地、公寓和組屋泊車位、應興建更多中廉價屋,以照顧中下階層市民、交通、公共交通系統及宗教保留地等。 另外,行動黨州主席歐陽捍華說,郭素沁是被行動黨委任代為照顧蒲種選區,外界並不應對此事作出諸多猜測。 他說,市議會應在地方發展藍圖中列入史里肯邦安的一些基本設施問題,如沙登大街、烏達瑪路交通阻塞、缺乏泊車位、華小不足、缺乏宗教保留地等。
Memo on MPSJ Draft Structure Plan
On Monday, 28th January 2008, I submitted a memorandum to Subang Jaya Municipal Council, to air my view on the MPSJ Draft Structural Plan. I was so busy last week with various issues, particularly the DAP Elections Convention that was held in Penang last Saturday. I rushed half of my text below on Saturday afternoon…
日前,我的手机收到一则朋友传过来的笑话短讯: 在皇家委员会的审讯里,有人放了一个响屁。 聆审官问东姑安南:“你有放屁吗?”,东姑安南回答道:“你一定是疯了或喝醉了。” 聆审官问马哈迪,马哈迪说:“我不记得了。但是放屁是我的特权,我无需向任何人报告。” 聆审官问尤索晋是否有放屁,尤索晋说:“如果有人要放屁,我能做什么?” 聆审官最后问林甘,林甘说:“听起来像我的,嗅起来也像我的。。。。。。” 我把这短讯传给一些政治界的朋友,包括执政党的国会议员。制造这个短训的人很有头脑,他巧妙地把某些司法短片听证会的证人的供证形容为放屁,令人一看即发出会心一笑。 阅读皇家委员会听审律师林甘的电话录影短片的报道,看上述被召见的高官显要和林甘的供证,也真令人感觉到他们那份尴尬,特别是短片的主角林甘,他这辈子大概做梦也没想到他多年前在家里与人对谈电话会被录影和被放上网,让全世界的人“观赏”,甚至还被逼出席这皇家听证会。
Is MCA telling the Chinese not to vote for UMNO?
MCA should categorically explain to Malaysians whether it is urging the Chinese not to vote for UMNO in the upcoming general election. In an attempt to dissociate itself from UMNO’s policies which have clearly antagonized non-Malays in the last three years, MCA leaders are now claiming that the Chinese should direct their anger at UMNO,…