Hi friends, I have been very busy in the past two weeks, especially after Parliament was dissolved on a day that I was not expecting. I, together with my lion dance team, went to visit a few markets in Seputeh and Kinrara areas. Once the lion dance came alive at the start of the drum…
Kinrara, here I come!
NST, Feb 18. Not too long ago, Kinrara state assemblyman Dr Kow Cheong Wei smelt a rat over the increasing presence of DAP’s Teresa Kok in his area. As Chinese New Year approached, the cat was out of the bag — Teresa Kok was planning to contest the Kinrara state seat and had changed the…
We Have Erected 10 Muhibbah Road Signs in Kuala Lumpur Area
(From Left 2: Tan Kok Wai, Lim Lip Eng, Me and Fong Kui Lun)
星洲大都会 20-2-2008 (星期三) http://mykampung.sinchew.com.my/node/26288 行動黨等領袖將自制的3語路牌“安裝”在武吉免登路。左起陳淑珊、陳國偉、林立迎、郭素沁、方貴倫和助理劉威洪。 (吉隆坡)行動黨蕉賴區原任國會議員陳國偉促請聯邦直轄區部政務次長拿督姚長祿,對因過去4年在任期間沒有改善市政局官僚作風和為華社仗義執言而引咎辭職。 他指責姚長祿在過去4年在任期間,沒有糾正市政局官員的錯失,令人民失望。 他說,除了姚長祿,身為馬華聯邦直轄區州聯委會主席的拿督陳財和也有責任,應一同下台,馬華總會長拿督斯里黃家定不應讓這兩人參與本屆大選。 陳國偉是於今早與另3名行動黨領袖出席安裝3路路牌儀式時,召開新聞發佈會,公開抨擊姚長祿的表現。 其餘出席的行動黨領袖是武吉免登原任國會議員方貴論、士布爹原任國會議員郭素沁和泗岩沫服務中心主任林立迎、方貴倫競選中心主任陳淑珊等人。
Online poll for Kinrara
The Subang Jaya Echo is running an online poll on “Incumbent Seputeh MP Teresa Kok has confirmed her intention to also contest the Kinrara State Seat which is currently in the care of Dr Kow Cheong Wei, a first-term State Assemblyman. Tell us who you think could be the next Kinrara representative in the coming…
Protest Against Cemetery at Saujana Puchong
I joined residents of Saujana Puchong on Sunday to protest in front of forestry area as it will be turned into a public cemetery. The residents of Saujana Puchong and the surrounding areas have long protested against the proposed cemetery to be built in their neighbourhood. Our members in Puchong have been supporting them and…
Just an update
Dear friends, I know some of you might be wondering why am I “keeping quiet” in the past few days as I did not update my blog for almost a week, and left that post on asking for donation to be there for a few days. To tell you frankly, I have been very very…
How To Donate to the DAP Seputeh Campaign Fund
I have been asked by supporters and friends on how to donate to my Seputeh campaign fund. There are 2 ways to do it, one is to bank in your donation to my Seputeh service center account in May Bank, the details are— Account name: DAP Cawangan Seputeh. Account number: 5-14235-464557. Some of you might…