The Selangor sultan’s close relatives and me. They advice me to wear baju kurung to palace in future, they said my blouse is a bit short. What do you think?
Residents of Salak South New Village Celebrate Elections Victory With Teresa
Today I went to Salak South New Village market to thank voters. When I arrived there at the food and drinks section, many people were sitting at their tables and waiting for me. I went around to shake hands with them and thanked them for voting for me and the DAP in this general elections.
New Cabinet Line Up A Surprise!!
Ha ha, an UMNO MP that is surrounded by 10 opposition MPs in Kuala Lumpur can head this ministry and be a de facto Datuk Bandar of Kuala Lumpur? What a joke!!
Unfair & Unjust Election of 2008
Although the opposition parties have won quite a number of seats and managed to break the two thirds majority in the Parliament, the general elections of 2008 was still a very unfair and unjust election. I received a lot of complaints from voters, i.e voters’ names missing, voting address being transferred to Kelantan and elsewhere,…
Thank you Seputeh, thank you Kinrara!
Dear Friends, I apologise for taking more than a week before thanking you all for backing me and my party to a historic victory. I have been busy thanking voters and busy with party matters after polling day, that’s why i did not have time to blog and even check email. Many voters want to…
Evidence of BN Sending Phantom Voters to Kelantan?
Today is the last day of the election campaign. I did my level best in my walkabouts campaign in a few areas in the Seputeh and Kinrara constituencies – as we near the final hours of the campaign period. At about 4pm, when I was resting at my Kinrara office, I was informed by…
Red Paint Splashed At My Kinrara Office
Yesterday morning, I was informed by member that a packet of red paint was thrown to my office at midnight the night before, after the successful mammoth ceramah at Puchong Jaya. Who do you suspect? Isn’t this against the slogan of BN manifesto “Aman, Makmur & Selamat”?
My friend Yong Sun Yong wrote a piece on the caricature bill board and published on Kwong Hwa daily. He is always so supportive to me. teresa 女人何苦为难女人 二零零八年三月五日 上午十时十一分 文:杨善勇 角逐吉隆坡士布爹国会的周紫琳为了严打对手,一口气在选区十个策略地点设立显示意淫意味的漫画看板,把郭素沁画成一个身穿鲜红贴身裙子,脚穿艳红高跟鞋的女人,遗弃”旧爱”士布爹先生之后,转向”新欢”Mr金銮镇投怀送抱。 十个看板一出,犹如十刀齐发,结果投诉不停,抗议四起。马华大选行动室主任黄思华唯有”再转变”,宣布拆除所有看板,并对”当地选民和郭素沁表示遗憾”。 黄思华认真地解释,”国阵只是想通过有关广告,向选民传达讯息,即代议士不可能同时兼顾国州两个选区,并未贬低女性之义”。要是这样,所谓”贪新忘旧”是什么意思呢? 我们应当知道,郭素沁没有抛弃忘旧:她仍然留在士布爹继续耕耘。如果黄思华是要暗示素沁不能兼顾国州,适合的成语应是中性式的”一箭双雕”、责难式的 “得陇望蜀” 或者诅咒式的”顾此失彼”。 可惜,宣传的单位舍弃这些通通不用,偏爱兼带贬义的”贪新忘旧”。由此错笔可见我们的中文程度,的确不够伟哥,急待学养深厚的中文系博士特别补习,以便加强中文广告用字的及格率。 然则,此乃小事。关键的要害是,为何周紫琳至今不能明白〈女人何苦为难女人〉的意思:女人何苦为难女人,我们一样有最脆弱的灵魂;世界男子已经太会伤人,你怎么忍心再给郭素沁伤痕?