Are the flowers sweet? When I was released from my 7-day-ISA detention, I was informed by my personal assistant that Tok Guru Nik Aziz has sent me a bouquet of flower. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Tok Guru had sent me flowers. When I stepped in to my exco office at Shah Alam…
Don’t turn ISA into outcry about ‘dog food’
“The more they talk about food, the more it comes into people’s minds. When you go into ISA detention, you will get dog food,” she said.
Tunku Aziz to moderate Abolish ISA Forum!
The Internal Security Act under Article 149 of the Malaysian Constitution permits the detention, at the discretion of the Home Minister, without charge or trial of any person in respect of whom the Home Minister was satisfied that such detention was necessary. A week ago, we have witnessed yet again, the abuse of the ISA….
Syed Hamid patut cuba “solitary confinement” sendiri
Hari ini adalah hari pertama saya masuk ke pejabat saya di Bangunan Salahudin di Shah Alam selepas saya ditahan di bawah ISA selama seminggu. Bila saya masuk ke pejabat saya, saya diberitahu oleh pembantu saya tentang laporan akhbar daripada Utusan Malaysia mengenai kenyataan makanan anjing yang disiarkan dalam Utusan Malaysia. Seperti biasa, bila Utusan Malaysia ingin…
Senator probes ‘dog food’ scandal
Senator T. Murugiah met Teresa Kok at our Shah Alam Office around noon today. Murugiah wanted to know Teresa’s first hand account of the poor quality food being offered to detainees.
Istanbul Delegation Visit (IBF/Musiad) 21/8
This is the fourth in the Memories series. Please read this backgrounder.
ISA experience
Malaysiakini An electrical blip that plunged the DAP headquarters into darkness for some 10 minutes did not spoil the 'welcome home' party for outspoken politician Teresa Kok. MCPX A bouquet of flowers, a cake and mooncakes were already waiting her even before she came into the conference room. The 50-minute press conference was conducted in… S.angkar A.zabi S.angkar A.zabi (Khas ditujukan kepada Teresa Kok) Oleh Zubli Zainordin Tujuh hari bukanlah mimpi, ternyata kurungan benar terjadi, dalam sangkar dipenuhi ngeri, ibarat hidup sudah digari, seperti ditusuk sejuta duri, entah sampai bila dicengkam di sini, tiada dapat sesiapa mengetahui… Kenapakah ini harus terjadi, pada seorang Puteri Sri Kandi, dia Teresa Kok the Sassy…