I was invited to give a short speech before mass at a Church in Shah Alam last Sunday, sharing with fellow Christians my spiritual journey.
Unnecessary laws to curb ‘unnecessary by-elections’ are a farce.
The government’s unholy haste to enact a law to prevent by-elections it deems “unnecessary” and impose fines of RM100,000 on those who quit wakil rakyat positions and force by-elections, is appalling and an insult to freedom and democracy. Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz’s definition of ‘unnecessary’ is vague and gives the impression the new…
My Easter Morning at Sau Seng Lum Center
Sau Seng Lam is a charitable Buddhist organisation which offers affordable treatment for poor patients who suffer from diabetes and stroke. They have a centre in PJ and one in Puchong. Diabetes and stroke are often described as “rich people’s diseases” and very costly to treat. After visiting Sau Seng Lam and understanding their work,…
Gambar Foto di Pilihan Raya Kecil di 2 Bukit April 2009
Bukit Selambau Saya berada di Bukit Selambau dan Bukit Gantang selama 3 hari untuk berkempen kepada calon daripada PKR dan PAS. Di bawah sini adalah beberapa keping gambar foto. Saya dijemput oleh pengerusi Lembaga Pengelola Sekolah Rendah Cina ini untuk melawat sekolah rendah yang lama ini pada 4 April 2009. Sekolah ini baru mendapat peruntukan…
Remembering Altantuya at Bukit Selambau
I participated in a little ceremony to pay respects to Altantuya on “Cheng Beng” (“All Souls’ Day) at PKR operations centre at Bukit Selambau. On my right is Tian Chua, on my left is Hee Loy Sian, Lee Kim Sin and Gan Pei Nie. I got involved in the campaign in both Bukit Gantang and…
Jangan biar Nizar kalah
A tribute to Mrs Ganga Nair
It is with great sadness that I write this tribute to Mrs Ganga Nair who passed away 3rd April 2009 at the age of 85. 40 years ago, in the 3rd General Elections on May 10th 1969 at the age of 45, Mrs Nair was the first Indian woman in Malaysia to be elected to…
行动党士布爹区国会议兼行动党组织秘书员郭素沁于2009年4月5日在太平发表的文告: 马华建议把内安法令易名的做法,显示马华并不反对内安法令 马华妇女组主席周美芬欲把内安法令易名为“反恐怖法令“的建议,显示马华公会并不真正反对内安法令。 众所周知,政府当年制定内安法令是为了要对付共产党而用,随着共产党的消失,这法令已经不再适时宜,早该废除。 多年来,掌权者利用这法令里“无须审讯拘留“的便利,来镇压政治异议分子,这也是数十年来人民反对内安法令的原因。 周美芬应该记得,国会在数年前修订了刑事法典和刑事程序法典,纳入恐怖主义和惩罚恐怖份子的条文。我国既然已经有刑事法典来对付恐怖份子,我们根本就不需要内安法令。 我呼吁周美芬勿在这课题上采取模陵两可的立场,而建议以易名来解决这恶法,因为这立场根本就治标不治本,无法阻止该法令被掌权者滥用来打压政治异议份子。 郭素沁