On April 29th 2009, Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat assured Malaysians that he had given the Port Klang Authority (PKA) one week to release the Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) report on the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ). A week later, the report was still not released. PKA chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng has instead…
Power grab in Perak
SHAME on BN and PDRM! Tak malu!
Surat Minta Perjumpaan Dengan Hishammuddin Berkenaan Dengan ISA
5 Mei 2009 Kepada YB Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein Menteri Dalam Negeri Aras 12, Blok D1, Parcel D, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62502, PUTRAJAYA. Faks: 03-8889 1758 Emel: [email protected] YB Dato’ Seri, Minta Perjumpaan Untuk Membincangkan Isu Penahanan ISA Bersama Dengan Wakil Rakyat Selangor Saya bagi pihak Ahli Parlimen dan ADUN Selangor ingin…
FreeMano Campaign
Kenyataan Jawatankuasa Membebaskan YB Manoharan & Tahanan ISA Yang Lain Pada 5 Mei 2009 Di Shah Alam Kenyataan YB Manoharan bahawa beliau ingin meletakkan jawatan sebagai ADUN Kota Alam Shah atas alasan beliau tidak dapat melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya sebagai wakil rakyat kerana berada di bawah penahanan ISA, sekali lagi menunjukkan kezaliman penahanan ISA. Sebelum YB Manoharan…
Congrats to the Puas!
Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Tony Pua on the arrival of their 3.35kg and 49 cm tall bundle of joy last night. ‘Peter Parker’ Pua, daddy and mummy are doing fine. 🙂
2009年4月28日中国北京消息 由雪州高级行政议员郭素沁率领的雪州政府代表团一行6人,在安徽省合肥市出席第四届中国中部投资贸易博览会后,于本月28日前往北京继续有关招商活动。 雪州政府代表团在合肥期间,会见了部分中国中部省份负责经贸和投资工作的政府官员,针对从这些地区吸引先进的生物科技企业、绿色环保企业等来雪州投资设厂进行了深入的探讨。 雪州代表团一行人在合肥市还参观了当地新建的政府行政新区,以及蓬勃发展的各类居住小区。对当地政府的城市发展的规划及建设效率留下了深刻的印象。 合肥市在这些新区的建设中,充分运用了先进的节能环保技术和材料,大量利用太阳能等绿色能源实现室内空气、灯光与温度的调节。一些建筑还使用太阳能吸光材料做外墙或屋顶,不仅达到了能源的利用效果,其设计也非常美观精湛。 郭素沁一行在离开合肥前往北京之前,还会见了中国商务部投资促进事务局副局长顾杰,并向他介绍了雪兰莪州的投资环境以及近年来雪州所开发的投资引进项目和相关的投资特点及优惠措施。 顾杰副局长对雪州的投资环境表示赞赏,并特别谈到商务部投资促进事务局将配合雪州政府主办相关的企业洽接会议,组织有投资意向的中国企业聆听和了解雪州的投资环境和各项优惠政策。 雪州政府代表团一行还将在北京会见中国国际贸易促进会的官员和一些中国商会的代表,并与中国各省驻京办事处主任共聚晚餐,向中国各省推介雪州的招商引资项目。
郭素沁会见中国商务部亚洲司李克俭。 I am leading a delegation of a number of Selangor state government companies to attend the Central China Expo at Hefei from 26th April 2009. I met with the Director General of the Department of Asian Affairs, Ministry of Commerce of China and requested him to encourage Chinese businesses to invest in Selangor. I…
My assistant Gary Chong ‘stabbed’ by a poison pen letter
My assistant who is also MPSJ councilor, Gary Chong, had been whacked by a poison pen letter lately. Someone using the name of ‘UMNO Selangor’ sent a letter to a reporter of The Star. That letter listed down a few cases that implicated Gary as a corrupt councilor The Star Metro journalist then interviewed Gary and published his interview together…