At about 8pm last Thursday I was on the way to Puchong for meeting when I received a call from Mr Lim Tai San, my “old” friend and supporter of Overseas Union Garden (OUG) in my constituency. He told me he was beaten up by his neighbour, boss of Steven”s Corner (mamak shop). I then…
Visited a grandmother, victim of snatch thief at Taman Gembira
As reported by Malay Mail: “Two weeks ago, a grandmother was pushed by two individuals on a motorcycle trying to snatch her belongings. She and her daughter fell to the ground. We believe the attackers had followed them from the night market,” said Ling. Relating the incident, Fong Yit Kew, 71, said she remembered seeing…
DAP will not tolerate any misconduct or lawbreaking, even among our own members
I feel so sad to read about the bad press suffered by DAP over the Tee Boon Hock debacle. I feel just as disappointed as our many supporters. Many quarters have become confused by the seemingly revearsal of DAP’s position over the Ronnie Liu vs Tee Boon Hock case. Some MCA and UMNO leaders are…
Berapakah perbelanjaan SPR di setiap pilihan raya kecil sejak Mac 2010 (Sibu, Hulu Selangor, dll) ?
Solar is now cheaper than nuclear, scrap nuclear plans now
As reported by the New York Times, the cost of solar panels has now decreased to a point where solar energy is cheaper than nuclear. Meanwhile, the costs of nuclear power has only been rising over the past eight years. Therefore, there’s no good reason for the Government and TNB to continue to insist that…
No such resolution to give 6 months’ notice before Selangor state elections
Media statement by Ean Yong Hian Wah in Shah Alam on Friday, 30th July 2010: No such resolution to give 6 months’ notice before Selangor state elections With regards to the article Selangor will give advance notice for state polls published in the Malaysian Insider this morning, I wish to make corrections to statements which…
Pakatan Rakyat honours promise to re-gazette Ayer Hitam in Saujana Puchong as permanent reserved forest
Download the Warta Kerajaan document in PDF format here.
文告 2010年7月28日 马华总会长没有资格评论雪兰莪财务管理 沙亚南: 马华总会长拿督斯里蔡细历医生并不是一位符合资格评论雪兰莪财务管理者,尤其是采沙课题。 由于马华领袖们管理不当和策略失误,使到国家在巴生港口自由贸易区事件上亏损了60亿令吉。 虽然蔡细历清楚知道,是马华领袖导致纳税人公款蒙受巨额亏损,然而他却在这项课题上保持沉默。有鉴于此,这位马华总会长是最后一名有资格针对财务管理发言的人。 这位马华总会长针对采沙管理所作出批评,证明他后知后觉,同时没有事先查核实际情况。在作出批评前,他应该事先查阅雪州沙石收入与沙矿资源税(royalty)数据,同时与前朝国阵州政府和民联州政府的数据作出比较。 年份 资源税(百万令吉) 2005 3.54 2006 4.37 2007 4.29 年份(自民联治理雪州后) 资源税+盈利 (百万令吉) 2008 8.17 2009 13.76 2010 15.3 (至6月) 以上的数据清楚证明,在民联州政府治理下,无论是所取得的盈利或是资源税,业绩都较国阵时代大跃进。