By Sheridan Mahavera – April 19, 2012 PUTRAJAYA 19 APR : Kerajaan Negeri hari ini mengumumkan sedia bekerjasama dengan pihak Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) dalam usaha membersihkan daftar pemilih khususnya di negeri Selangor melalui “Kempen SelangorKU Bersih”. Pengumuman itu dibuat di lobi Ibu Pejabat SPR di sini sejurus selesai pertemuan antara rombongan Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul…
Pasang Bendera Parti Langgar Undang-Undang Pilihanraya
By Afix Redzuan – April 19, 2012 KUALA LUMPUR, 19 APR: Kegairahan Umno-BN menggantung bendera dalam usaha meraih kembali sokongan rakyat sehingga sanggup memperalat agensi Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) sebenarnya telah mencabul undang- undang pilihanraya. Exco Selangor, Teresa Kok berkata, mengikut peraturan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), semua kempen bermula hanya selepas Parlimen dibubarkan. Tindakan ini jelas…
Pakatan slams BN for rushing eight laws in one day
By Clara Chooi April 19, 2012 KUALA LUMPUR, April 19 — Federal opposition lawmakers are fuming with the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government over its plan to “bulldoze” through a whopping eight Bills in Parliament by tonight. The angry parliamentarians pointed out to The Malaysian Insider via mobile text messages from the House this morning…
Program Mesra Kanak Kanak
On the 14th of April 2012 my Kinrara office organised the Program Mesra Kanak-Kanak for the year. This time we gave out school bags to the school going children. This program was attended by over 300 students and parents.It was a fun filled day for both children and parents. A special thanks to the Wanita…
BERSIH: 0.3pct would have seen BN retain S’gor
Malaysiakini, 17 April 2012. Bersih has slammed the Election Commission’s (EC) assertion that the 42,051 dubious voters amount to only 0.3 percent of the electoral roll, saying this would have led to a different outcome in the 2008 polls in Selangor. “Small numbers of votes can make a big difference but the EC is downplaying…
Parliament 17 April 2012: Winding up speech on new Security Offences (Special Measures) Bill
The law, to replace the ISA, but which allows the police to detain a person for a maximum of 28 days for ‘investigation purposes’, is being debated now at parliament as Minister in PM’s dept. Nazri Aziz presents his winding up speech on the Bill. It’s chaos, as it usually is when it comes to…
PSC Minority Report on the Electoral Reforms
Below and attached is the minority report by the opposition MPs who were part of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Electoral Reforms. This was not allowed to be tabled in Parliament – resulting in the displeasure and chaos in Parliament a couple of weeks back when the Bill was bulldozed through by BN. PENYATA MINORITI…
‘Selangor MB, 19,000 more moved to new zones’
Out of the 19 over thousand ‘rel0cated’ voters, over 6’000 are in Selangor and 7’000 in Perak. Coincidence? Given Selangor is under Pakatan’s governance and Perak was (before the cross-overs)? Malaysiakini article: More than 19,000 registered voters have been moved to different localities and not just Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, said Election Commission…