Press Statement by Teresa Kok, DAP Selangor Chairperson in Kuala Lumpur on 22 March 2011 MACC concocts more lies to deflect attention from their own culpability in the death of the late Teoh Beng Hock Selangor Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Investigation Unit Chief Hairul Ilham Hamzah’s lied to the Royal Commission of Inquiry yesterday when…
Press statement by Christian Federation of Malaysia: Holy Scriptures Desecrated
Holy Scriptures Desecrated The Christian community in Malaysia is deeply hurt that the Government has desecrated and defaced the Bible. Initial news that the Government had agreed to release copies of the Bible in Bahasa Malaysia which had been impounded in both Port Klang and Kuching was greeted with joy. However, this joy soon…
Nazri Aziz: Malaysians who live abroad do not love our country
(Chinese translation below) Press statement by Teresa Kok, Member of Parliament for Seputeh in Kuala Lumpur dated 17 March 2011 Nazri Aziz’s sweeping statement that Malaysians who live abroad do not love our country is most hurtful and disrespectful of their contribution I am appalled by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Nazri Aziz statement…
Invitation to Bersih 2.0 Public Forum on Sarawak: Tanah, Adat dan Pilihanraya
Jemputan Forum Umum Bersih 2.0 bersama dengan Civil Rights Committee – KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall dan Loyar Burok Sarawak : Tanah, Adat dan Pilihanraya Jumaat, 18 Mac 2011, 8.00malam – 10.30malam Dewan Tingkat 2, Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jalan Maharajelela, Kuala Lumpur
My Parliament Speech On PM, Media Censorship, PKFZ, Investment & Gerakan
Today, I managed to deliver my speech in Parliament. I have been disturbed by a few BN MPs but finally I managed to speak on a few issues which are close to my heart :-)) Ucapan YB Teresa Kok, Ahli Parlimen Seputeh Dalam Perbahasan Menjunjung Kasih YDP Agong Pada 16 Mac 2011 Pencerobohan Maklumat Peribadi…
Listen to my interview on BFM, the Business Station
Building a Case for Selangor as an Investment Destination 16-Mar-11 09:07 [ Programme Segment: Current Affairs ] Teresa Kok, Selangor State Senior Executive Councillor for Investment, Industry & Trade, and Member of Parliament for Seputeh and State Assemblyman for Kinrara, discusses manufacturing as Selangor’s main focus in terms of investment and the reasons for…
BN Leaders’ disappointing response to the impounding of the al-Kitab
Press statement by Teresa Kok, Member of Parliament for Seputeh in Tawau dated 14 March 2011 BN Leaders’ disappointing response to the impounding of the 35,000 Malay-language bibles in Klang and Kuching reveals Najib’s 1Malaysia to be the sham that it is I unreservedly condemn BN leaders’ disappointing response to the impounding of…
Education Ministry Not Giving Land to Confucius Chinese Secondary School most disappointing
民主行动党士布爹区国会议员兼雪州高级行政议员郭素沁 10-3-2011於吉隆坡发表声明 (吉隆坡10日讯)民主行动党士布爹国会议员郭素沁指出,马华的副教长魏家祥必须协助尊孔国中完成迁校至冼都的工作,而不应受挫於“尊孔国中申请的地段已被政府作為保留教育用途”这个理由。 她說,最讓她感到不解的是,既然该地段是供作教育用途,为何卻不能批准让尊孔国中迁至该地段?教育不都是百年树人的事业吗? 她今天发表文告,针对尊孔国中迁校一事受挫感到遗憾。“据我所知,有关校地相当适合让尊孔国中迁校,魏家祥应重视这个课题,促使教育部批准尊孔国中运用政府教育保留地。” 也是雪州高级行政议员的郭素沁表示,冼都乃是华裔较多的地区,当地居民正需要一间像尊孔国中的国民型中学,作为教育及培养国家未来的栋梁。 “尊孔国中若搬迁,也能一并解决它与尊孔独中之间的纷扰。” 她对教育部长慕尤丁前天在国会作出的书面回答感到非常失望,而尊孔国中搬迁一事耽搁这麽久,也与教育部采取漠视态有关。