Last Sunday, a fire occurred at 4th Mile, Old Klang Road which is located in my Seputeh constituency. So I went there on Sunday night itself to investigate the situation and see the victims. Thankfully, no one died in the fire but the homes of 9 families were destroyed. Yesterday morning, I went to the…
Jawapan Parlimen Mengenai “Pencurian Isteri” & Siasatan Polis Terhadap Pegawai SPRM
Pertanyaan: Lisan Daripada: Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) Tarikh: 19 Oktober 2009 Rujukan: 2035 Soalan: Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh] minta Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan sama ada Kerajaan bercadang untuk meminda Seksyen 498 Kanun Jenayah (Penal Code) yang mengenakan hukuman terhadap seorang lelaki yang ‘mencuri’ ataupun mengadakan hubungan sulit dengan wanita berkahwin. Apakah…
Jemputan ke Majlis Rumah Terbuka Deepavali
Lively Sua Rasa Aidilfitri 2009 programme at Stadium Melawati
Last Saturday, I was at the Sua Rasa Aidilfitri programme at Stadium Melawati which was organised by the Selangor state government together with TV9. There were so many things happening there. There were food stalls, arts and crafts, shopping, cooking demonstration. But most of all, there were Selangor government booths create awareness on the the…
Promoting Selangor as destination for foreign direct investment
Yesterday, I took part in a business luncheon organised by the Menteri Besar’s Office to brief foreign embassies and foreign business councils in Malaysia on Selangor’s economic stimulus plan. Our goal was to engage them in discussing Selangor as a destination for foreign direct investment. Seated at the head of the table from left to…
Come for World Habitat Day – Malaysian Environment Week at IOI Mall, Puchong, 23-25 Oct 2009
My DUN Kinrara constituency is co-organising a very special event to showcase the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve as our natural heritage just right at our doorstep in Puchong from this Friday to Sunday at IOI Mall (View Map). Visitors will be taken to visit the forest reserve on a first-come-first served basis. We want to…
Happy Deepavali
A very Happy Deepavali to all Hindus in Malaysia. Deepavali valthukal!
民主行动党全国组织秘书、士布爹区国会议员兼雪州高级行政议员郭素沁于2009年10月14日在莎阿兰发表的声明. 马大不应再传召学生出席听证会 在“908辩论海啸”出任评审的郭素沁今日质问马大校方,为何不要立刻撤销对他们的控状,反而是选择本月20日再举行听证会,让学生继续笼罩在一股惶恐中呢? 郭素沁认为马大校方把听证会展延至下周二是一种不可取的做法,证明校方根本没有悔过的意思,这根本不是一间大学应该有的风范。 郭素沁强调,这群学生没有犯下任何错误,他们邀请政治人物进来校园是为了探讨时事课题,这也符合大学生追求知识和真理的精神。何况马大如今更重新进入世界首200大大学的排名,为什么校方还要对这班无辜的学生死缠烂打呢?这只会进一步破坏马大的校誉。 因此,郭素沁要求马大校方即刻撤销对学生的控状,并公开向学生道歉。她也表示,将在新一季的国会会议里,提出这项课题,并要求国阵领袖解释。 郭素沁