KINIGUIDE Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his bungalow have been hitting the news for the last week. How did it start, what do we know and what don’t we know? Malaysiakini sifts through the noise and puts together a brief guide on the Jalan Pinhorn bungalow row. The allegation Tasek Gelugor MP Shahbudin…
Press Statement by YB Phee Boon Poh In Regards To Bungalow Purchase Issue on 23 March 2016
The Statutory Declaration Was Made By Ms. Phang On 22.3.2016 Out Of Her Own Free Will And Not Through Despicable Means As Alleged By Minister For Housing And Local Government And BN’s Director of Strategic Communications, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan YAB Lim Guan Eng’s purchase of a bungalow in George Town last year was solely…
Kenyataan Media oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng Berkenaan Isu Pembelian Banglo Pada 23 Mac 2016
Saya tidak hairan melihat PAS dan Umno berganding bahu, mendesak saya supaya bercuti sementara siasatan oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) terhadap dakwaan rasuah BN ke atas saya berkenaan pembelian kediaman berusia 30 tahun saya dan penjualan tanah kerajaan di Taman Manggis. Desakan ini adalah jelas bermotifkan politik. Kedua-dua BN dan PAS tidak membuat desakan…
Question to Tan Sri Adenan
My question to Tan Sri Adenan: “How many more oppositionists will be banned before you feel confident you can win big in the coming Sarawak state election? ” Yesterday, Parti Amanah Negara president Mohamad Sabu was banned from entering Sarawak. His ban is an addition to the list of oppositionists who have been banned from…
Call on the government to suspend this year’s PLKN and abolish all future programmes as well as immediately reinstate overseas scholarship for the 744 bursary recipients
It was reported in today’s Sin Chew Daily that the deputy Defence Minister Datuk Mohd Johari Baharom had said that the PLKN 2.0 (National Service Training Programme) which was suspended for one year and had resumed this year would only tentatively be conducted for one year only. He said that the National service Training Council…
Statutory Declaration by Phang Li Koon with relation to the house no. 25, Pinhorn Road, Penang
Exco Member Phee Boon Poh has read out the Statutory Declaration by Phang Li Koon with relation to the house no. 25, Pinhorn Road, Penang. In para 12 of the Statutory Declaration dated Mac 22, 2016, Phang Li Koon stated : I do not understand why my agreement to selling the house to CM has…
Bungalow purchase issue: Umno and Shabudin may be able to fool some BN members, but there is no way they can fool the thinking Malaysians
The Chief Minister and DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng’s action in giving the press today a guided tour of his bungalow has proven what he has said in response to allegations regarding his purchase of the bungalow—that he has nothing to hide. The photographs have certainly proven that his house is not comparable to Khir…
Kenyataan Sidang Akhbar Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng Berkenaan Isu Pembelian Banglo Pada 20.3.2016.
Adakah Datuk Shabudin Yahaya Berani Ulangi Tuduhan Rasuah Ke atas Saya Di Luar Parlimen Dan Bukanlah Jenis Pemimpin Tidak Bertanggungjawab Yang Baling Batu Sembunyi Tangan? Saya agak kesal bahawa Ahli Parlimen Tasek Gelugor Datuk Shabudin Yahaya tidak berani menerima jemputan saya untuk bersemuka secara satu sama satu pagi ini di pejabat saya untuk menunjukkan bukti…