Refusal to gazette KL City Plan 2020 is shocking. KL will be further messed up and will become the most unplanned and congested city in the world ================================================= Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Seri Mohd Amin Nordin Abd Aziz has said that DBKL is not going to gazette KL City Plan 2020 but it will draft…
Jawapan Parlimen Berkenaan Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang
TARIKH : 13 MAC 2017 SOALAN : YB Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [ Seputeh ] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan rasional Lembaga Kelayakan Profesion Undang-Undang yang mengurangkan bilangan maksimum percubaan untuk Peperiksaan Sijil Amalan Guaman (Certificate of Legal Practice) daripada 8 kali percubaan kepada 4 kali percubaan bagi graduan kursus undang-undang yang perlu menduduki peperiksaan…
Terasa Kok not worried about Malay influx in Seputeh
Seputeh MP (DAP) Teresa Kok has rubbished allegations that she is afraid of a possible Malay influx in her constituency due to new property developments.
Teresa: Malays in Seputeh love me, just like BN backbenchers do
PARLIAMENT Opposition lawmaker Teresa Kok (DAP-Seputeh) says she is not afraid of having more Malays in her constituency, as they will love her just as BN backbencher MPs do. “I’m not worried about Malays moving to Seputeh as the Malays who move to Seputeh will surely like me. “Just like the (BN) backbenchers here, even…
Ucapan Teresa Kok, Ahli Parlimen Seputeh Pada 14 Mac 2017 Dalam Perbahasan Usul Menjunjung Kasih Titah Ucapan Seri Paduka Baginda YDP Agong (Bahagian 2)
PERANCANGAN KUALA LUMPUR YANG KUCAR-KACIR Pada 28 Februari, Menteri WP kata beliau akan menghentikan pelaksanaan KL City Plan 2020 dan beliau tidak akan mewartakan pelan tersebut. Saya difahamkan bahawa KL City Plan ini digubal oleh para pakar perancangan bandar dan telah mengadakan siri pendengaran di mana 5,052 wakil telah memberi pembentangan dan DBKL mendapat 62,224…
Bantah usul Hadi, adakah Ketua Menteri Sarawak anti-Islam?
Tidak sokong pindaan RUU355 tidak bermaksud anti-Islam KUALA LUMPUR, 10 MAC: Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg telah mengarahkan semua ahli parlimen BN negeri itu untuk membantah usul pindaan mahkamah syariah (RUU355) yang dikemukakan Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. Adakah ia bermakna Abang Johari dan semua ahli parlimen BN Sarawak…
Small protest outside ‘Umno’s house’ turns into shouting match
Small protest outside ‘Umno’s house’ turns into shouting match A small protest outside the Seputeh community centre resulted in a minor argument between the protesters and those in the community centre today. Seputeh MP Teresa Kok and a small group of residents were holding banners, signs during a press conference today across the street from…
Press conference outside Umno office ends in ruckus
Things get ugly during protest on high-density development project held in front of the Seputeh Umno office building where a wedding was taking place inside. KUALA LUMPUR: A press conference attended by DAP’s Teresa Kok outside a building occupied by Seputeh Umno here turned ugly when party supporters stormed out to disrupt it, saying the…