国会下议院原本在12月13日休会,没想到最后又延长至19日,在哈芝节前夕结束。 在19日上午,我才到国会,在下议院茶坊见到一些东马的议员黑着脸唠叨着,查问之下,才知道下议院议长宣布当天下议院必须在辩论完所有的法案之后才休会。这些议员已经因为下议院延长3天而皱眉头,没想到在下议院开会的最后一天还要他们逗留到夜晚,他们很多又不敢提早回去,怕咱们在野党的议员向议长喊开会人数不够(quorum)而使国会被逼提早休会, 那么所有提早开溜的国阵议员恐怕都会被骂。 由于次日是哈芝节,是回教徒的大日子,我趁机嘲讽国阵议员道:“什么文明回教(Islam Hadhari),居然在这大日子前夕开国会至夜晚。”满脸倦容和无奈的巫统四加亭的老顽童议员拉住我的手说:“帮帮忙吧!你别进去(下议院会议厅)讲话了,让我们早点儿回去。”结果,除了当天上午的监狱修正法案较多人辩论之外,这些巫统的议员大多数都在议会厅外吸烟聊天,而不在内辩论,以免拖延下议院开会时间。 国会走廊一片轻松气氛,大家互相道贺佳节快乐和握手道别。一些议员拿相机在国会走廊拍照留念。某媒体的记者更刻意叫朝野议员与议长作状道别让他们拍照,整个气氛令人觉得当天是国会开会的最后一天,因为大家来年未必会在国会再相见。
Teresa Kok, Rahang, Seremban, Dec 20
Our Prison Should Have More Social Workers
Today, the Dewan Rakyat debated on amendment to Prison Act, to allow parole system to be implemented as a way to ease congestion in prison. I made my speech after gathering view points from some social workers this morning. I visited Kajang and Sungai Buloh Prisons together with Senator Datuk Wan Farid in January 2007…
My Unfinished Speech On OKU
The Disabled people from some organisations for the disabled (OKU) have been hanging around in Parliament for about 3 days. They came on the day when Shahrizat presented the bill on Persons With Disabilities 2007 in Dewan Rakyat last Thursday. They then waited till today afternoon then only have chance to observe the MPs debate…
Forum on ISA Arrest of Hindraf Leaders- The 2nd ‘Operasi Lallang’
A forum on ISA arrest of Hindraf Leaders – The 2nd ‘Operasi Lallang’ will be held and meet the family members of the 5 detainees and show that we are with them. Speakers are : 1) A.Sivanesan 2) Lim Kit Siang 3) M.Kula Segaran 4) Lim Guan Eng 5) others Date : 21 December 2007…
SCC Bill retreats for time being
Dear friends, it was a great relief (for the time being) when we were told that the Special Complaint Commission Bill is to be deferred to next sitting. This announcement came when the NGOs reps came to present memorandum to MPs and have press conference with the Opposition MPs. As of last night, all participants…
Pernyataan Mengenai Jumlah Pegawai Polis Yang Dikenakan Tindakan Disiplin Dan Didakwa Ke Mahkamah Pada Tahun 2005 Dan 2006.
Tarikh : 17 Disember 2007 Rujukan : 746 Puan Tersa Kok Suh Sim meminta Menteri Keselamtan Dalam Negeri menyatakan bilangan pegawai polis yang dikenakan tindakan disiplin dan didakwa ke mahkamah pada tahun 2005 dan 2006. Berapakah jumlah pegawi polis dikenakan tindakan disiplin atas kecederaan tahanan dalam lokap polis.
Rise In Crime Rate Means The Growth of Economy?
During the debate of RM10 pay cut motion presented by Fong Po Kuan last Monday, after Fong presented her speech she was whacked left, right and centre by BN MPs who tried to defend the Minister of Internal Security, namely the Prime Minister. One of the ridiculous remarks made by MCA former deputy minister of…