AUKU Public Lecture Series (1) : AUKU & SEJARAH KEBANGKITAN MAHASISWA ’60AN Tarikh: Khamis, 1 Julai 2010 Masa: 8:30 malam Tempat: Auditorium KLSCAH, Jalan Maharajalela, KL (berdekatan Stesen Monorel Maharajalela) Speaker: Fahmi Reza (pengarah dokumentari 10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka & penyelidik sejarah gerakan mahasiswa) Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) 1971 sekali lagi menjadi perhatian…
Kepadatan Pembangunan Projek di KL Terlampau Tinggi, Khususnya di Kuchai Entrepreneur’s Park
I won’t be able to deliver my adjournment speech below today after all because Parliament sitting has been extended until night time and I have to attend a function tonight. After discussing with the deputy minister who supposed to reply to my adjournment speech, he has agreed to release me and let me to deliver…
Malaysia Airport Collects RM1.160 Billion In Taxes From Malaysia Airlines, Airasia
June 29, 2010 15:50 PM Dewan Rakyat: Malaysia Airport Collects RM1.160 Billion In Taxes From Malaysia Airlines, Airasia KUALA LUMPUR, June 29 (Bernama) — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Malaysia Airport Holdings Bhd collected RM1.160 billion in taxes from Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia during a five-year period ending last year. Malaysia Airport…
Don’t let EC change your voter address without your signed application
Tuesday June 29, 2010 EC can’t change addresses of voters on its own KUALA LUMPUR: The Election Commission (EC) has no authority to change the address of voters without a signed application from them, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Abd Aziz said. Under the Elections (Registration of Electors) Regulations, he said…
Kekurangan pekerja di sektor perkilangan menggugat ekonomi negara
Ucapan penangguhan YB Teresa Kok bagi persidangan Parlimen bagi 28 Jun 2010 Masalah kekurangan pekerja di sektor pekilangan di Malaysia Dasar sumber manusia Kerajaan Persekutuan yang tidak konsisten, “kejap sini, kejap sana”, meruncingkan lagi masalah kekurangan pekerja, mengelirukan para pelabur dan mengurangkan daya saing Malaysia berbanding dengan negara jiran. Sudah sekian lama para pelabur mengadu…
Interviewed by Marie Claire about why women don’t have a bigger say in politics
This interview with Marie Claire made me remember how I entered politics in 1990. In a blink of an eye, 20 years have passed. Hope that more capable women will enter politics to play their part to create a better Malaysia. Marie Claire, June 2010 issue On the ground: Talking Teresa Kok, DAP Seputeh MP…
Attracting investors is like being a salesman (or saleswoman) for Malaysia
As blogged, I am in Germany now to attract investment into Selangor. I have been asked how much my trip costs and why am I spending two weeks in Europe on my Facebook and Twitter. Some of these questions were genuine. Some commentors were sarcastic (usually the anonymous ones). Well, all these questions are understandable….
A response on the Malaysian Pavilion in Shanghai
Interior of Malaysian pavilion. Shortly after I posted my response to Thumb Logic on his unjustifiable explanation on the failure of Malaysian Pavilion in Shanghai World Expo, I received the following email from a little bird (Read here for context) : 1. The roof was built to specification. You may note that the rain in…