Yesterday I managed to speak on the land problems faced by the locals in the Tawau and Semporna areas in Sabah during the debate on allocations for the Ministry of Regional & Rural Development. This issue actually was not related to that ministry but I tried my luck to highlight the issue. Today, a rather…
Presentation of IPCMC Memo to PM’s Dept
BN MP also suffered under BN rule, kasihan, kasihan
Today, during the debate on the Ministry of Regional and Rural Development, I managed to bring up the land issues faced by the people of Tawau. In my seven years as MP this is the first time I have debated on this ministry as my constituency is in urban area and I have very little…
BN’s monuments of shame
Benches By The Trench Scandal stinks
Presentation of IPCMC memo to the PM
The campaign to establish the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission, initiated by the Bar Council together with a coalition of NGOs including Amnesty International has received over 300 endorsements from various organizations. The IPCMC Coalition is organizing a handing over of the endorsements to the Prime Minister next Tuesday and a mass gathering of…
Medium of teaching does not add up
The passing mark is 40 only, but the result, especially for Maths is shocking. The results show that about 80.3% of the students passed Science while only 53.1% of the students passed Maths.
制衡 郭素沁 对维护民主的人士来说,“制衡掌权者”是老生常谈的用词。但是,尽管是老套,身在我国这种民主体制饱受侵蚀的政治环境,我们还是不得不谈,因为这是真理。 先看这数个星期媒体的一些热门新闻,吧生尚未宣誓的市议员兼雪州州议员扎加利亚未得批准便建豪宅,著名政治分析家及3位警员涉及谋杀蒙古名模,副财长阿旺阿迪在国会说土著占吉隆坡股市36。63%的股权,大马在世界贪污指数调查中从37滑落到44。
Seputeh discussion board
Hello Friends, My team has set up a public discussion board for me at Do drop by when you have the time and help make it a happy, informative place.