It is not easy to raise in details many issues in three lousy minutes and being interrupted by the Speaker Lim Si Cheng at the same time.
‘Isolate young offenders’
by NAJIAH NAJIB, Malay Mail, Dec 7. JUVENILE delinquents need to be separated from hard-core criminals while being detained in prisons to ensure that they are not influenced by the ‘bigger baddies’ and become repeat offenders when released. Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation vice-chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said mixing juveniles with hard-core criminals could…
Women MPs dress down PS
The Parliamentary secretary said only BN MPs will be kolonel. That’s it. Time for action. Chong Eng, Po Kuan and I made a big fuss over this pathetic decision.
I have an argument with Information Minister Zam during the Parliament debate this morning. I tackled him on the issue of Tamil newscasters being asked to wear Baju Kurung when reading news. Zam suddenly became furious when he heard my question. He accused me for being racist. His accusation was supported by the UMNO MPs….
This is my piece for Nanyang Siang Pao about the case of the couple who killed their 3 sons and committed suicide but saved after that. 数天前,佘永昌夫妇被大耳窿追债至走投无路,而毒死3名幼儿,再进行自杀的事件,震惊全国。 过去数天来,媒体的舆论大都环绕在为人父母者不应该拖累孩子,让孩子成为代罪羔羊这问题上,使侥幸被救活的佘永昌夫妇为千夫指,但是导致这夫妇进行全家自杀的祸首—大耳窿,却没受到严厉谴责。 身为代议士,我经常接到被大耳窿追债受骚扰的人士或他们的家庭成员的投诉。我的处理方式经常是协助投诉者报案,接着上报,有时则勉为其难的致电警告大耳窿不要欺人太甚。虽然我的处理方式是因人因事件而异,但是凡是找我投诉者,我都要他们报案,否则一概不理。 虽然华文媒体一般都大肆刊登大耳窿冷血追债的新闻以警惕国人,但是无论媒体如何教育群众,手头紧者还是不断地涌向这些吸血的大耳窿,因此大耳窿对借贷者及他们的家人恐吓的事件依然还是层出不穷。 为何如此?追根究底,因为经济不景,穷人与日俱增,银行对穷人经常是拒人于千里之外,相反的大耳窿到处都有,他们的名片垂手可得,他们比银行更加平易近人,这对面对燃眉之急的穷苦人家来说,大耳窿成了他们困难时刻的救星。 其实很讽刺的一点是,为了打击大耳窿,国会于2003年通过了“借贷人法令“,通过要贷款公司向政府注册而管制贷款公司,此外警方也有权对违法的借贷公司进行搜查,并拘留违反该法令的人士。 很遗憾的是,这条原欲打击大耳窿的法令实际上名存实亡,警方和执法机构并没有根据这法令而严厉打击公开借钱给公众人士的大耳窿或大耳窿公司。印着大耳窿的手机号码和公司电话的黏纸到处都有,他们猖狂至大胆的破坏市容,甚至公然把路名也遮盖了,但是咱们的执法人员却没对他们采取行动。 某位执政党的公共服务主任经常为被大耳窿追债者与大耳窿谈判偿还贷款的条件,问题是,如果高利贷是非法的话,为何不把有关问题交给警方处理,而还要与放高利贷者谈条件呢? 我希望佘永昌夫妇的事件,能让执政者意识到当局应该是严厉执行“借贷人法令“的重要性,警方和执法单位应该联手打击横行的大耳窿,一如政府勤劳打击非法外来移民和非法售卖翻版带一样,以免类似悲剧重演在其他穷苦人家身上。
Young offenders figures shocking
These youngsters were detained for offences rangingt from selling pirated VCDs, to involvement in motorcycle races (Mat Rempit) to more serious offences like robbery and rape. As the court proceeding is very slow, these juveniles spend months — even years — in prison to wait for their trial.
An afternoon at the Brickfields Police Station
On Friday I took a few complainants to meet with the new OCPD and his team at Brickfields Police Station. I only knew about the change of OCPD last week. This new OCPD Tuan Rahman was the former Deputy OCPD of PJ Police Station where the infamous Squatgate took place last year. As I was…
A touching message …..
Dear friends, I received a story below which touched me very much. I hereby share it with you: Get out your Kleenex before reading this… A good reminder: take time to appreciate what you have now. On the last day before Christmas, I hurried to go to the supermarket to buy the gifts I didn’t…