The DAP’s women MPs had one helluva firefight with the Parliamentary Secretary of Home Affairs, Abdul Rahman bin Ibrahim (Pokok Sena), over RELA this afternoon.
When PKR’s Wan Azizah, Fong Kui Lun (DAP – Bukit Bintang) and I raised the issue of abuse of power of RELA officers, the BN MPs were more interested to know when will they be conferred the title of kolonel that can lead RELA in their constituency.
The Parliamentary secretary said only BN MPs will be kolonels. That’s it. Time for action. Chong Eng, Po Kuan and I made a big fuss over this pathetic decision.
I asked the Parliamentary Secretary whether the BN MP who head RELA in their constituency will be sacked if RELA members abuse their power.
The Parliamentary Secretary seemed a bit nervous when we made big noise in the Dewan Rakyat.
The speaker, Lim Si Cheng, tried to help him by asking him to skip the topic and asked him how many minutes more he needed. He asked for 10 minutes and refused to allow intervention from us. He then continued and replied all our speeches till 6.30pm. He became more steady when we women MPs stopped making noise 🙂
Ucapan YB Teresa Kok, Ahli Parlimen Seputeh Dalam Perbahasan Peringkat Jawatankuasa Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri Pada 6 Disember 2006
020000 Pendaftaran Pertubuhan
010000 Pengurusan dasar hal ehwal dalam negeri
Surat Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan Selangor Yang Jahil Terhadap Pindaan Perlembagaan DAP
Konvensyen DAP pada 19 Mac 2006 telah meluluskan pindaan terhadap Perlembagaan parti kami. Selepas kami membentangkan pindaan ini kepada Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan di Selangor, kami menerima surat daripada Jabatan tersebut yang menghendaki kami menjelaskan objektif dalam perlembagaan DAP. Ini termasuk maksud `secular document’ dalam Preamble, selain itu kami diminta memberi penjelasan tentang objektif:
i) To strive by parliamentary means for the establishment o a social democracy in Malaysia;
ii) To reaffirm and restore the Malaysian Constitution in its original secular framework as the supreme law of the land which respects democratic values and basic human rights that gives every Malaysian citizens equal and equitable rights;
iii) To promote an ASEAN community based on good governance, democracy and respect of human rights and to preserve the region as a nuclear free region revolving around peace, freedom and neutrality;
iv) To promote expand and enlarge democracy at all levels, particularly restoring local government elections, to give form and substance to people empowerment and participation in decision-making based on the principles of equality, free, fair and independent electoral process as well as freedom of the press.
Kami rasa amat hairan untuk menerima surat yang menanya isu seperti ini dan soalan seperti ini memang susah dijawab. Ayat dan perkataan dalam Perlembagaan DAP ini boleh didapati di mana-mana dokumen antarabangsa, dan ini bukannya isu baru. Jadi saya menyeru pihak kementerian supaya menghantar lebih pegawai yang membuat keputusan penting untuk menyertai kursus dan latihan samada di dalam ataupun di luar negeri demi menambah pengetahuan dan `general knowledge’ para pegawai ini, supaya surat seperti ini tidak dikeluarkan oleh mereka yang mana menjejaskan imej kementerian juga.
Selain itu, saya juga ingin minta jabatan pendaftaran pertubuhan boleh memberi lebih ruang dan kebebasan kepada persatuan untuk merangka dan meminda perlembagaan persatuan mereka dan jangan mengadakan gangguan atas perlembagaan mereka.
Filem LELAKI KOMUNIS TERAKHIRSaya ingin tanya kenapakah filem dokumentari tempatan Lelaki Komunis Terakhir yang diarah oleh Amir Muhamad yang diluluskan oleh bahagian penerbitan dan kawalan filem, tetapi diharamkan oleh kementerian selepas itu? Kesemua ahli parlimen telahpun dijemput untuk menonton tayangan filem tersebut oleh Menteri kebudayaan, kesenian dan warisan, kami yang telah menonton filem ini mendapati tiada apa-apa masalah pada filem ini kerana ia adalah sebuah filem dokumentari hiburan, yang ada masalah ialah pengkritik yang tidak pernah menonton filem itu. Apa yang menghairankan saya ialah kenyataan oleh YB Menteri, beliau dilaporkan berkata keputusan samada menayang filem ini terletak pada UMNO. Bilakah keputusan yang sepatutnya dibuat oleh pihak kementerian terjatuh pada UMNO? Bukankah ini menunjukkan kekeliruan tentang tanggungjawab parti dan kementerian? Memandangkan pihak kementerian masih belum meluluskan penayangan filem Lelaki Komunis Terakhir sehingga hari ini, apakah rasional kementerian untuk mengharamkan tayangan filem tempatan ini? Bukankah ini salah satu bentuk sekatan terhadap kreativiti dan kebebasan penghasilan seni dan filem?
Sehubungan dengan itu, media online Malaysiakini telahpun memohon lesen untuk mengeluarkan akhbar harian, tetapi permohonan mereka masih belum diluluskan sehingga hari ini, apakah sebabnya?
RELAApakah peranan dan tanggungjawab RELA? Sejak Kementerian Dalam Negeri memberi kuasa kepada RELA untuk menahan pendatang asing tanpa izin, kita lihat kes dan aduan tentang keganasan dan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh anggota RELA pun semakin meningkat. Ramai anggota RELA yang tidak pernah menjalani apa-apa bentuk latihan seperti pasukan polis, kadang-kadang berlagak seperti gangster. Keadaan ini adalah amat nyata apabila mereka menjalankan serbuan untuk menangkap pendatang asing tanpa izin.
Saya pernah menerima aduan di mana anggota RELA melayan pendatang asing tanpa izin seperti binatang, mereka pecah masuk ke rumah warga asing, pukul dan cederakan mereka, kemudian mengheret mereka ke pusat tahanan imigresen. Dalam operasi jenis ini, terdapat anggota RELA yang menahan pelarian yang memegang surat UNHCR dan juga pekerja asing ataupun pembantu rumah yang mempunyai dokumen rasmi, kadang-kadang, mereka malah menahan warga asing dan pelawat yang mempunyai visa dan passport yang sah. Saya pernah menerima aduan di mana mereka malah masuk ke rumah warga Malaysia dan mengheret pembantu rumah Indonesia yang passportnya disimpan oleh majikan ke pusat tahanan Imigresen. Selain itu, kita juga terdengar tentang anggota RELA menerima rasuah daripada pendatang asing untuk mengelakkan penahanan.
Dalam kes rompakan microchip yang bernilai RM50 juta di Batu Maung Free Commercial Zone pada 20 November tahun ini, 4 daripada 20 perompak ini berpakaian pakaian seragam RELA,
Soalan saya:
— berapa ganjaran diperolehi oleh anggota RELA yang berjaya menahan pendatang asing tanpa izin?
— apakah tindakan yang diambil oleh kementerian terhadap keganasan yang dilakukan oleh anggota RELA? Apakah mereka diberi lesen untuk melakukan keganasan dan kekerasan secara bebas?
I have always wondered, if we women wear clothes that are so called “inappropriate” in Malaysia but are often seen as conservative in Japan, China and most western countries, why do women in those countries do not have to take the blame for wearing them when rape cases and sexual harrasments happens but instead we as a developing country still do? Are Malaysians moving forward or backwards? Are we suppose to expect that in the future, we women no matter bumiputras or non-bumiputras, have to cover from head to toe?
I once seen a comic that shows a female Muslim covering from head to toe(except for a pair of eyes) with the sign in front “Do not look” and a hot-looking female beside with the sign in front “Do not touch”. Which female represent Malaysia? Easy to guess, I vote the first.
Does what a woman wear really triggers the male to violate the woman’s body or the morality that are lacking in our society? The rape case of the malay university student in the bus so many years ago seems to have slipped most minds. Her death that once shocked our country is a good reminder not to let history repeat itself. Now that the shock has passed, maybe those ignorants will once again be reminded and proven wrong if another similar incident happen again. Well, they are used to that and are making a habit of it anyway.
Check this out:
You are either naive, ignorant or in denial.
Women gets raped because the perpetrators were aroused. Not necessarily by the victims themselves. Some of them were just at the wrong place and at the wrong time. In the case of the bus driver who rapes his head covered, modestly dressed victim, he must have been aroused by other women from other sources. Maybe from watching those sexy actresses from Hindi movies, maybe from sexy miniskirt wearing amois in public. His victim was a victim of convinience. She was alone, he was aroused (probably from other source), he was stronger and she was unlucky.
Sexy women affects men. Maybe not outright porn but ‘sikit2, lama2 jadi bukit.’
Perverts, deviants and sex crazed and starved men do exist in our society. Please don’t deny their existence and add fuel to the fire.
The more sexy women there are out there in the public and in the media, the more will there be aroused local (mat rempits, recently released ex-convicts etc) and immigrant men (Indons, Bangla etc). Some of those aroused local and immigrant men might even live, work or lepak near where our daughters or sisters or wives or girl friends or nieces lived, worked or lepaked.
Do you really want out there more aroused men mingling with our female loved ones?
Sexy women aroused men. Maybe not all men, but more sexy women statistically means more aroused men.
Rapists are all aroused men. Maybe not all aroused men becomes rapists, but the more aroused men out there means the more some of them might just lose all sense of reason and decency.
It’s just a matter of Statistics and Probability.
Do the math. Please. For you and your loved ones.
Thank you for your reminder on the safety of myself and to other female population.
I know and understand what you are trying to convey, however, I do not totally agree nor totally disagree on it.
Men are aroused when they see women with skimpy clothings. Of course, we all know that. But does that makes them right to attack the woman or other woman in that matter?
There’s an article in SinChew that said, if a woman’s dressing is to be blamed for a man’s decision to violate her or other woman’s body, then what about if I drive a BMW? Do I have to take the blame for the car jacker to steal my car because I have a valuable car and I opt to display it openly? And what if I stay in a banglo? Does that mean that I lure thieves to my house? Are we in the wrong place at the wrong time too? Same concept my friend.
When a man violate a woman’s body without her permission, he is lacking self-discipline, self-control and respect for others. All these are ethical values that sadly our society is showing a decrease. No other people are to take the blame and certainly not the victim but only the one who is responsible for his actions.
You have said that aroused men might be all around us, where we live, work or lepak. For me, I would take precautions and be more aware of my surroundings, maybe be prepared of anything that might happen(holding a pepper spray in my hands or a penknife) but I would certainly not restrict myself to clothings that portrays my character. That does not mean women wear sexily all the time but the right for us to wear appropriate clothings for appropriate occasions, men or women.
Maybe you do not agree to my point of view, I believe the Ministry in Kelantan do not too. I’m neither a big shot in the Ministry nor involve in any politics so all this are going down the drain anyway. But I am neither naive, ignorant nor in denial but just a normal woman trying to survive in the society and strive for basic human rights.
p/s: I do not make personal attacks to anyone because I am hoping that others will do the same. Thank you.
Perhaps you may want to know that quite a handful of government offices imposed dress code for women. Walk in to DBKL office in Jalan Raja Laut in a Bermuda short (almost knee length and not even tight fitting) with a shirt….. ladies, “You are NOT properly dress and so you may only leave your document at the reception”. PERIOD! So don’t sensationalise the current fine by Kelantan government. At least they are not a hipocrite, like the ruling government.
So, Teresa, stay focus to face the coming GE.