郭素沁指陈元虎误导沙叻秀新村逼迁居民对他抗议行动, 违反政治人物的君子风度和马华推行的健康政治 (吉隆坡13日讯) 士布爹区国会议员郭素沁指昨日沙叻秀新村面对隆市政局搬迁指令的居民的抗议行动,完全是由士布爹马华的陈元虎主使。她呼吁陈元虎以君子风度来与她在政治上较量,而不是通过这种误导选民的卑鄙和肮脏手段来诋毁她。 郭素沁是针对昨日沙叻秀新村某些面对吉隆坡市政局搬迁指示的居民抗议报道,发表文告。 她说,昨日出席记者会的沙叻秀新村居民当中,只有数名是沙叻秀新村面临拆屋命运的居民,其余皆是与该拆屋事件无关的人士。最可笑的是,报章所刊登的数位老人,竟然还是沙叻秀新村慈爱福利中心的老人。据悉,这些福利中心的老人当时在喝早茶,他们被马华以车载他们出席有关记者会,但是他们事先并没被告知要出席什么场合。 郭素沁也说,有关居民的抗议行动很明显是陈元虎刻意安排的。因为有关记者会是由士布爹马华通知媒体,而陈元虎也出现在有关居民抗议行动的现场,只是他刻意不向媒体发言,以制造有关记者会是居民自发行动的假象。
Pastor Jeffery Kumin
In my trip to Sabah, I was very surprised to see Pastor Jeffery Kumin openly wearing the clothe with Rocket symbol. I was informed by Dr Hiew that he is interested to contest in elections too.
Forum in Sandakan
This is me Hi folks, I was supposed to upload some of the pictures taken on my trip to Sabah at the end of last month. They were taken at the forum organised by the party at Sandakan Hotel on 30th December 2007. The forum was single-handedly organised by Anthony Teo and a few…
Sudden unusual changes in religious policy
Othman Talib Should Quit As Member of Police Force Commission
I have questioned whether a member of Police Force Commission, namely Dato’ Othman Talib who is also the director of Web Power Sdn Bhd, can have direct business deals with PDRM? Isn’t that a form of conflict of interests?
The Story Of Lot P.T. 3718, 4 1/2 Mile, Old Klang Road
He then found out that he has to do individual filing for the residents as Progerex had filed legal action against each and every house owners in that land. He told the people that the fee for Court of Appeal is RM800 and fee for stay of execution is RM100. So RM300 is not enough at all. The residents there then expressed their great unhappiness.
http://www.chinapress.com.my/content_new.asp?dt=2008-01-07&sec=local&art=0107lk04.txt 中国报 7/1/2008 (星期一) (吉隆坡6日訊)士布爹區國會議員郭素沁指出,針對丹峇必烈西區逼遷事件,她將和律師向法庭提出理由,延長申請上訴期限,讓居民有更多時間考慮是否要參與上訴。 她說,明日(7日)是申請上訴的截止日期,至今只有21名屋主繳交2300令吉庭費及律師費作出申請,若居民還要參與,有關律師會向法庭提出理由,要求延長有關期限。 她是針對居民日前在馬華福安花園支會會所舉行的抗議大會,提出的不滿,于今早召開記者會時,如是指出。 出席者包括奈耶律師及近30名相關屋主,他們也在會上提出意見替郭素沁平反指責。 郭素沁說,律師只能嘗試向法庭解釋居民延遲提出上訴的理由,一切還是得交由法庭決定。
Politicking in cyberspace
Inadvertently, Kok started to blog about the goings-on at the Dewan Rakyat, in a way that was uniquely hers, so much so that a reader wrote in to thank her for bringing politics alive for her.