How do you rate the Selangor government’s performance on a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the highest? Please submit your opinion here.
Red FM’s B’fast Live Interview
From left: Lee Chin Wee (The Star photographer), Will Quah & Shazmin Shamsuddin (DJ), Audrey Raj (Producer) Hi, everyone, I have not been able to update my blog for about a week. Haiyah, I have been running around, too busy to do anything that is not “work”. Now I am back, I am stealing some time to…
Avenue for Complain
The following was posted to my Facebook account. ——————————– Hi YB, Congrats for all you have achieved. I am writing to inquire how & where could I find information regarding the construction that is going on along the federal highway stretch that’s running through Klang town. For most of us who are uninformed, it just…
I’ll be live on air tomorrow morning
I will be interviewed live by Shaz & Will on the Red FM’s Red Breakfast Show tomorrow from 07:30-08:30hr. So, what’s for breakfast tomorrow? 🙂
Seputeh votes burnt
Thanks for voting for me :-)) Many business people and government servants were afraid to cast votes for opposition parties, because the BN people always scare them that their job and business will be affected if they voted for opposition. I am here showing you that all your votes will be sealed in plastic packets…
2008 Asia Pacific Entrepreneur Excellence Award
On 20th July 2008, I went to officiate the opening of the Asia Pacific Entrepreneur Execellence Award Presentation which was organised by a few local Chinese business magazines. More than 500 companies participated in the competition but only about 40 were chosen as recipients of the reward. I have been attending the presentations organised by…
Pakatan MPs at FT Protest Against Parking Meter in KL
The Pakatan Rakyat MPs on July 21 protested against parking meters after being pressured by our constituents. I am dead against parking meters being fixed up every where is because: i) we are forced to buy cars because our poor transportation system, ii) to impose parking fees everywhere in KL after petrol price hike is…
The Thorny TNB Lines Issues at Rawang
Look, the TNB tower is so close to the Chinese school and the houses at Kg Terentang, Rawang I presume all of you might be aware of the protest of the Kg Terentang people at Rawang over the high tension wire crossing their village. The villagers have been protesting for 3 years. This has been…