中国报 7/1/2008 (星期一) (吉隆坡6日訊)士布爹區國會議員郭素沁指出,針對丹峇必烈西區逼遷事件,她將和律師向法庭提出理由,延長申請上訴期限,讓居民有更多時間考慮是否要參與上訴。 她說,明日(7日)是申請上訴的截止日期,至今只有21名屋主繳交2300令吉庭費及律師費作出申請,若居民還要參與,有關律師會向法庭提出理由,要求延長有關期限。 她是針對居民日前在馬華福安花園支會會所舉行的抗議大會,提出的不滿,于今早召開記者會時,如是指出。 出席者包括奈耶律師及近30名相關屋主,他們也在會上提出意見替郭素沁平反指責。 郭素沁說,律師只能嘗試向法庭解釋居民延遲提出上訴的理由,一切還是得交由法庭決定。
Politicking in cyberspace
Inadvertently, Kok started to blog about the goings-on at the Dewan Rakyat, in a way that was uniquely hers, so much so that a reader wrote in to thank her for bringing politics alive for her.
My Trip to Kudat Mazu Statue
We are on top of the base of Mazu statue. From my left is Jimmy Wong (Tawau), me, Lim Kit Siang, Pastor Jeffery Kumin and Dr Hiew Keng Chiu (KK). Hello friends, Lim Kit Siang and I have been travelling in Sabah for 4 days. We took the opportunity of attending the Christmas Celebration organised…
Gov’t backs down, Herald gets new permit
Dec 30, 07 8:24pm In an about-turn, the Internal Security Ministry has allowed a Catholic weekly newspaper to continue to print without any condition, after earlier threatening to revoke its licence in a row over the word ‘Allah’. Augustine Julian, secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference, said a new licence had been granted to the…
Flyover project: DAP questions ‘scandalous’ delay
Kit Siang said the project’s progress was so slow that an even bigger projects like the world’s highest railway in Tibet whose construction began at about the same time had already been completed.
Zoo abused
The Malay Mail 28/12/2007 (Friday) By DARSHINI KANDASAMY Many blatantly disregard the warning signs and barriers placed by zoo authorities to prevent them from approaching certain cages, harassing the animals or throwing stones and rubbish into the enclosures. “OUR cats look as if they can reach you!” This sentence on the Zoo Negara website describes…
New York Homicide Rate On Pace for Record Low
If the New York Police Department (NYPD) can successfully lower the crime rate, why can’t our PDRM? Look at the methods that they used to reduce crime rate in the notorious high crime rate city. Can we do it here too? Why does our police force always sound so helpless in battling against crime??? by…
‘The zoo is lying!’
The Malay Mail 27/12/2007 (Thursday) By Darshini Kandasamy (L-R: Tony Pua, Sankara N.Nair, Yours Truly, Haw Kim Chuan holding Qian Tong and Koh Ming Choo) “THE zoo is lying.” So claimed Haw Kim Chuan, the father of five-year-old Qian Tong, who was allegedly at- tacked by a leopard at Zoo Negara on Saturday. He was…