Hi friends, these are old pix again. Aiyer (sigh), I just don’t have time to upload these nice pix on my blog earlier. However, the first DUN sitting in Selangor from 22nd to 26th May since Pakatan Rakyat government came to power is quite a memorable one for all the ADUNs and excos. And as…
Fund raising dinner for autism kids
Dear friends, My blog has become inactive or “cob-web” for some time due to my busy schedule, and you know I have not been feeling well for about 10 days last month. Today, I am looking at all the old emails and old pictures which my assistant has helped me to put on my blog…
Teresa Kok Supporters Club
My friends have helped me set up a Teresa Kok’ Friends Club in Facebook. Please pay it a visit and sign up as a supporter. And do let your friends know abt it. 🙂
Petrol Price Increase – a reader’s thoughts
Dear Teresa, Congratulations on Pakatan’s success in the recent general election. I hope my vote counted! I’m writing to you about the recent increase in petrol price because I do not know who else to approach (i’ve written to The Star but surprise surprise, they’ve not published my article). The debate is an old one,…
More horror stories abt our PDRM
Letter from Readers I stay in Bukit Indah, OUG. Yesterday there was a car theft in front of my house. There were 3 men who broke into my neighbor’s car, because the car alarm went off, and they looked very suspicious. (The car was parked outside her house) I called the police at 1.18am (13th…
Suu Kyi ‘deserves to be flogged’
Burma’s military junta said on Wednesday that detained opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi deserved to be beaten like an errant child for threatening national security. Seeking to justify the 62-year-old’s latest stretch of house arrest, now in its sixth year, official newspapers said Suu Kyi and other detainees had…
Agensi Yang Membuat Penilaian Terhadap Projek Konsesi GIRN (Government Integrated Radio Network)
Agensi Yang Membuat Penilaian Terhadap Projek Konsesi GIRN (Government Integrated Radio Network) Dijawab oleh : Y.B.Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Semasa menggulung perbahasan usul menjunjung kasih ke atas titah diraja de Dewan Rakyat pada 22/5/2008) Yang Berhormat Seputeh ingin mengetahui agensi manakah yang telah membuat penilaian terhadap projek…
The Selangor State Assembly Sitting
Dear friend, Yesterday was the last day of Selangor State Assembly meeting. The sitting was opened by the Sultan of Selangor last Wednesday, there were 31 ADUNs participated in the motion of thanks debate. In this sitting, I am forced to sit there quietly to listen to all the speeches by the back-benchers. The Selangor…