Ever since I became Selangor state executive councillor, I have received many invitations to officiate opening of private companies or to be witness of certain handover cheques or gifts to certain organisations. When there are too many of this kind of invitations, I felt a bit reluctant to attend cos I have many other better…
Unhappy Incident During Dialogue Organised by Nanyang
Dear friends, I have attended the dialogue organised by Nanyang Siang Pao at Puchong a few days ago. When the dialogue was going on half-way, a man named Subramaniam went to the microphone and scolded me loudly and emotionally on the appointment of municipal councilors. He said Indian folks have voted for the DAP and…
Jawapan Parlimen Mengenai Visa Kemasukan Paderi Hindu dari India
PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN BAGI JAWAB LISAN DEWAN RAKYATPERTANYAAN : LISANDARIPADA : YB TERESA KOK SUH SIM TARIKH : 24 JUN 2008 RUJUKAN : 1046 SOALAN : Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) minta PERDANA DALAM NEGERI menyatakan sebab Kerajaan mengenakan peraturan baru terhadap permohonan visa kemasukan Malaysia atas warga India dan warga Bangladesh. Kenapakah Kerajaan masih…
Majlis Dialog Bersama Rakyat Puchong
Contradictory move in media control
Today, we observed two conflicting statements/stands made by BN government. Firstly, the Home Affairs Ministry allowed Harakah to publish bi-weekly, and secondly the Parliament administration appears to be going the opposite direction when it suddenly tightened its control over media. Now only a maximum of five from each media are permitted to cover Parliament sitting….
Blow a whistle in crime prevention
I am always under pressure from residents when family and property become issues that are falling deeper and deeper into a bottomless sinkhole. They always complain to me their horrible experiences on being robbed. I can only do that much about security issues. At best, I can help them is to convey their horrifying experience…
Jawapan Parlimen Mengenai G-Gold (23 Jun 2008)
PEMBERITAHUAN PERTANYAAN DEWAN RAKYATPERTANYAAN : JAWAB LISAN DARIPADA : YB PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM (SEPUTEH) TARIKH : 23 JUN 2008 SOALAN : YB. PUAN TERESA KOK SUH SIM (SEPUTEH) minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan kenapakah Jabatan Peguam Negara masih belum membuat keputusan terhadap representasi yang telah dibuat oleh Syarikat G-Gold memandangkan pelanggan-pelanggan G-Gold telah berpuas…
Swearing In As ADUN Kinrara & Announcement on Teng as Speaker
Hi, these pix are old pix , but it is waste if I don’t blog them:-)) I sworn in as ADUN in Selangor state assembly. The strange thing is, I was sworn in one month after I became exco of Selangor state government.’ (From left: Me,YB Teng Chang Khim, Y.A.B. Tan Sri Dato’ Abd Khalid…