Salam Aidiladha kepada semua rakan-rakan Muslim. Pada Hari Aidiladha tahun ini, pusat khidmat Parlimen Seputeh telah menderma 5 ekor lembu untuk penyembelihan kepada:- I) IPD Brickfields II) Masjid Jamek petaling (Jalan Puchong) Iii) Surau An-nur (PPR Muhibbah) IV) Surau Jumaat Nurul Hidayah (Kuchai Lama) V) Surau Al-Makmur (Taman Gembira) Pagi ini saya dijemput menghadiri sambutan…
I attended the ground breaking ceremony of multipurpose building of Dong Zong with excos of Selangor YB Ng Sze Han & YB Hee Loy Sean. YB Ng Sze Yan was the VIP of the event. He represented Selangor state government to announce the waiver of land conversion premium of RM10 million of the proposed multipurpose…
Jangan bandingkan pemimpin PN dengan Qu Yuan. Perbandingan yang amat tidak masuk akal.
把国盟领袖直比屈原 郭素沁:刘华才患上史盲症 Jangan bandingkan pemimpin PN dengan Qu Yuan. Perbandingan yang amat tidak masuk akal. Teresa Kok minta Dominic Lau bertaubat dan belajar daripada bekas pemimpin Gerakan. (吉隆坡23日讯)士布爹区国会议员郭素沁批评民政党主席刘华才,在端午节当天将2020年背叛人民的国盟领袖与屈原相比,不仅暴露他对历史的无知,更是对中国伟大爱国诗人屈原的不敬,无疑是患上严重的史盲症。 郭素沁说,全体国人都记得慕尤丁、阿兹敏等国盟同伙,在2020年通过“喜来登行动”背后捅刀,将民选的希盟政府拉倒,通过后门入主布城。 她说,国盟发动的“喜来登行动”是对全民的第一个背叛,恶不可忘。执政之后,国盟以紧急状态为由拒绝召开国会会议,并在没有国会监督和辩论通过的情况下,滥用大笔国库资金,这是对全民的第二个背叛,罪不可赦。 “换句话说,慕尤丁盟党是马来西亚民主体系政治的叛徒,践踏民主议会的神圣与庄严,对比2千300多年前屈原的爱国情操,更是差天别地,不堪一比。刘华才将国盟叛徒当忠良,把国盟领袖被控贪污和因改革不成而投江自尽的屈原相比,反映出这位博士对史实的认识和尊重处在什么水平。” 也是行动党全国副主席的郭素沁指出,数十年前的民政党,曾出现好几位对国家满怀改革热情的务实领袖,例如已故敦林苍佑医生,学养饱满,处事中庸,施政有方,国家为重,备受人民爱戴和敬重,不是今天的民政党主席刘华才所能堪比。今天民政党已完全违背创党先辈原来的政治路线,更甚者,我们看不到刘华才有任何改革国家的建设构想和实际行动。 她说,刘华才已失去政治方向,带领主张多元的民政党与主张神权治国的伊斯兰党和玩弄种族极端主义的土团党称兄道弟,还严重错误把屈原来美化其盟党弟兄,贻笑四方。 郭素沁引用唐太宗李世民的一句:“夫以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以史为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。”此古鉴有助于刘华才回头是岸。 郭素沁
Fight hate speech: Need for strong laws, education
Source: Fight hate speech: Need for strong laws, education MP SPEAKS | On June 18, we commemorated the “International Day for Countering Hate Speech” as declared by the United Nations. Hate speech, encompassing any form of communication that attacks or discriminates against individuals or groups based on their identity, remains a pressing issue in Malaysia….
Gerakan President Dominic Lau comparing Muhyiddin and PN leaders to Chinese poet Qu Yuan is as comparing traitors to a patriot, disrespecting of Qu Yuan’s legacy
I am profoundly dismayed by Gerakan President Dominic Lau’s recent comparison of Muhyiddin and PN leaders to the esteemed Chinese poet, Qu Yuan. This comparison not only lacks insight but also exhibits a blatant disregard for the legacy and significance of Qu Yuan’s contributions. It is an abomination. It is evident that Dominic Lau lacks…
Paying last repects to the late Bock Tai Hee (莫泰熙)
Tonight I came to pay respect to the late Bock Tai Hee (莫泰熙),a well respected teacher and chinese educationist in Xiao En Center in Cheras. The late Cikgu Bock had dedicated his whole life to the mother tongue education in Malaysia. Without the sacrifice and dedication of Cikgu Bock and many other educationists, we won’t…
Happy Father’s Day !
I took my family out for dinner to celebrate Father’s Day tonight at a Nyonya food restaurant in Jalan Hujan Emas 8, Overseas Union Garden, namely @gingerrootsrestaurant. The dishes are tasty and prices are reasonable. This restaurant is the branch of Big Baba restaurant in Taman Desa. It only opens on Friday Saturday and Sunday….
Distribute sunflowers 🌼🌼🌼 to all the fathers in Happy Garden Market
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