A forum on ISA arrest of Hindraf Leaders – The 2nd ‘Operasi Lallang’ will be held and meet the family members of the 5 detainees and show that we are with them. Speakers are : 1) A.Sivanesan 2) Lim Kit Siang 3) M.Kula Segaran 4) Lim Guan Eng 5) others Date : 21 December 2007…
SCC Bill retreats for time being
Dear friends, it was a great relief (for the time being) when we were told that the Special Complaint Commission Bill is to be deferred to next sitting. This announcement came when the NGOs reps came to present memorandum to MPs and have press conference with the Opposition MPs. As of last night, all participants…
Pernyataan Mengenai Jumlah Pegawai Polis Yang Dikenakan Tindakan Disiplin Dan Didakwa Ke Mahkamah Pada Tahun 2005 Dan 2006.
Tarikh : 17 Disember 2007 Rujukan : 746 Puan Tersa Kok Suh Sim meminta Menteri Keselamtan Dalam Negeri menyatakan bilangan pegawai polis yang dikenakan tindakan disiplin dan didakwa ke mahkamah pada tahun 2005 dan 2006. Berapakah jumlah pegawi polis dikenakan tindakan disiplin atas kecederaan tahanan dalam lokap polis.
Rise In Crime Rate Means The Growth of Economy?
During the debate of RM10 pay cut motion presented by Fong Po Kuan last Monday, after Fong presented her speech she was whacked left, right and centre by BN MPs who tried to defend the Minister of Internal Security, namely the Prime Minister. One of the ridiculous remarks made by MCA former deputy minister of…
報導:楊家俊 (吉隆坡10日訊)“爭嬰案”揭發至今,林淑薇的父親林泳河聲稱,他將通過法律途徑,與妻子爭奪林淑薇母子的撫養權。 林泳河今天也以林淑薇父親的身分,正式向當了4個月“便宜爸爸”的蘇吉祥道歉,希望蘇家原諒林家。 他說,妻子陳美娟及女兒林淑薇至今都沒有工作及沒有固定收入,根本無法負起孫子的生活費,因此,他已決定通過法律途徑,與妻子爭取尚未成年女兒(16歲)及孫子的撫養權。 “在法律上,我身為女兒的父親及孫子的外祖父,有絕對的權利照顧他們母子。” 他說,他本身年邁的父母親也都答應,可以全心全力照顧該名年幼的孫子,他本身的數名兒子,過去也都是由父母照顧。 他指出,他這樣的決定,是希望女兒在生下孩子后會長大,同時也可以確保年幼的孫子不會被心懷不軌者“領養”。 蘇家母子劃清界線-與林家再無瓜葛 蘇吉祥今早陪同母親袁秋鳳到化驗局領取驗血報告,母子都接受嬰兒不是蘇家骨肉的事實,他們希望從此將與林家劃清界線,兩個家庭不再有任何瓜葛。 蘇吉祥說,他過去幾個月的遭遇令他的感到非常難堪,如今驗血報告出爐,代表事情已告一段落,他將會繼續自己的生活,不再與林家有任何來往。 無論如何,他也希望,林淑薇自從此事件后,可以重新生活,包括找一個好歸宿,接下來的日子過得幸福快樂。 他說,他對于本身的家事連累馬華公共服務局感到抱歉。
Is questioning Rela abuses disloyalty to country?
After I read out my speech, I was “bashed” by the UMNO MPs left, right, centre, because they are “koronel” of RELA in their respective constituency.
Why Is Web Power Sdn Bhd So Influential In PDRM?
Fong Po Kuan presented a RM10 pay cut on Minister of Internal Security, i.e. the Prime Minister himself. She was ‘bashed up’ by all the naughty boys of BN with their loud voice and ridiculous statements, and of course, we yelled back at them too.
林淑薇的父亲林泳河应赔偿苏吉祥婚礼的全部费用 我对于昨日苏志健的母亲袁秋凤指林淑薇骗婚和要林淑薇赔偿婚礼费用一事感到遗憾。 林淑薇已经多次公开的说她当初根本不愿意嫁给苏吉祥,而林淑薇的母亲和我们女家也曾大力反对林淑薇嫁给苏吉祥。我们的立场是,林淑薇因年少无知、误交损友而怀孕,但是强逼她嫁给她不爱的人,根本就不是解决林淑薇问题的方法。 虽然如此,我们女家反对无效,林淑薇最后在她父亲林泳河的强逼之下,嫁给苏吉祥。 袁秋凤指责林淑薇骗婚是非常没有道理的,因为她在婚前和婚后都曾经对苏吉祥母子说她肚里的孩子不是苏吉祥的。这点袁秋凤和苏吉祥母子在他们第一次召开的记者会手拿林淑薇和她孩子的照片时,已经证实林淑薇对他们讲过这话。所以,由始至终,林淑薇根本没欺骗过苏家,所以,指责林淑薇骗婚是在毁谤林淑薇。 为此,如果苏吉祥家人要求赔偿婚礼费用的话,我们希望他们能向林淑薇的父亲林泳河索讨,因为林泳河强逼林淑薇嫁给苏家,因此他需对他女儿这段错误的婚姻负起全责。 陈美丽