Traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Seremban is cheaper KUALA LUMPUR : From 12.01pm onwards, there will be no toll charges at the Kuala Lumpur – Seremban Expressway and Salak Expressway at the Sungai Besi Toll Plaza on the North-South Expressway, said Director-General of the Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) Datuk Ir. Ismail Md Salleh. According to Ismail, with…
Hari Raya Lunch with Staff
Primary Industries Minister YB Teresa Kok, accompanied by Teluk Intan MP YB Nga Kor Ming, took time to attend the Hari Raya do separately held by the ministry’s Bahagian Perancangan Strategik dan Antarabangsa as well as its Bahagian Pengurusan Maklumat. The Minister and Teluk Intan MP took the opportunity to mingle and chat with the…
Meeting with Malaysian Palm-Oil Leaders
This morning, Primary Industries Minister YB Teresa Kok met officials from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) and the Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC) for a briefing session on the oil palm industry, an important economic sector that contributes 4.8% to our national GDP.
Briefing with Malaysian rubber leaders
Newly-minted Minister of Primary Industries YB Teresa Kok was given a briefing today by the Malaysian Rubber Board, Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council and LGM Properties Corp. on their respective roles and issues.
Launching of the 8th Malaysia-China Entrepreneur Conference 2018
It was my pleasure to accept the Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce’s invitation to launch today the 8th Malaysia-China Entrepreneur Conference 2018 (MCEC2018 ) to be held in Nanjing, China on 19th Sept 2018. I laud this effort to provide a platform for businesses in Malaysia and China to forge more cooperation and further strengthen our…
Teresa Kok starts her job as Primary Industries Minister
I went to the Ministry of Primary Industries office after attending the swearing in ceremony in palace today. I arrived at 3pm. My deputy Shamsul Iskandar joined me in the welcoming ceremony and briefing by the Ministry.
YB Teresa Kok angkat sumpah sebagai menteri industri utama
Hari ini saya angkat sumpah menjadi anggota kabinet di hadapan Duli Yang Maha Mulia YDP Agong di istana negara bersama dengan rakan-rakan yang lain dalam Pakatan Harapan.
Dato Zaid Ibrahim’s Hari Raya open House
Today afternoon I went for the Raya open house in Dato Zaid Ibrahim’s house. When I reached his house, I saw Human Resource Minister Kula Segaran and former Hindraf leader Waytamurthy were there. We had a good chat about politics in the country today. We lamented about racial problems in Malaysia today.