KENYATAAN AKHBAR 14 JANUARI 2010 ——————————————————————————————————– TABUNG KHAS BANTU BEKAS PEKERJA PREMIS MINUMAN KERAS YANG BERAGAMA ISLAM Kerajaaan Selangor prihatin dengan perbincangan mengenai pelaksanaan Enakmen Jenayah Syariah yang tidak membenarkan umat Islam bekerja di premis-premis dan pusat hiburan yang menjual minuman keras. Kami telah meminta ahli Exco negeri, YB Datuk Dr Hasan Mohamed Ali, YB…
MalaysiaKini, MPSJ ordered to withdraw controversial entertainment outlets guideline, 13 Jan 2011
MPSJ ordered to withdraw controversial entertainment outlets guideline by Leven Woon on 13 Jan, 2011 The Selangor state government has today instructed Subang Jaya Municipal Council to retract its new licensing guideline that bans Muslims from working in entertainment establishments, a day after Komunitikini highlighted the issue. State housing and local government exco member Ronnie…
Malay Mail, ‘Lift the ban on Muslims working in alcohol-serving outlets’, 13 January 2011
‘Lift the ban on Muslims working in alcohol-serving outlets’ Created Thursday, January 13th T.K. LETCHUMY TAMBOO [1] Thursday, January 13th, 2011 12:56:00 [2] KUALA LUMPUR: The Selangor government has asked the Subang Jaya Municipal Council to reverse its decision banning alcohol-serving establishments from employing Muslims. Senior State exco member Teresa Kok told The Malay Mail…
MalaysiaKini, Fan Yew Teng: Recalling a towering Malaysian, 6 Jan 2011
Fan Yew Teng: Recalling a towering Malaysian By Joseph Sipalan MalaysiaKini Jan 6, 11 Freedom fighter, husband, father, friend, teacher, true Malaysian. These were among the many fond descriptions given to veteran activist and DAP strongman Fan Yew Teng, as family, friends and comrades came together to honour his legacy during a memorial last…
Photos of saudara Fan Yew Teng’s memorial at YMCA Brickfields
UMNO Selangor is truly devoid of capable leaders
Press statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor State Senior EXCO and ADUN for Kinrara at Puchong dated 8 January 2011 Satim Diman, ADUN Sri Serdang UMNO Selangor’s choice of Satim Diman as Selangor Opposition Leader proves that UMNO Selangor is truly devoid of capable leaders The appointment of Satim Diman ADUN Sri Serdang as the Selangor…
In Remembrance of Fan Yew Teng
My speech presented in the Memorial Night of Fan Yew Teng on 5th January 2011 at YMCA Hall, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur I have known Sdr Fan Yew Teng since the early 90s when I entered politics and became more involved in human rights issues as well as activities in SUARAM. In those days, many of the activists who…
The Rocket pays tribute to Saudara Fan Yew Teng (1942 – 2010)
Note: A special memorial tribute service for Sdr Fan Yew Teng will be held at the YMCA Hall in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday 5th January 2011 from 8pm to 11pm. Another memorial service will also be held in Ipoh at the Excelsior Hotel (14th floor) Conference Room on Thursday, 6th January 2011. All are welcomed to attend….