By Leven Woon Free Malaysia Today KUALA LUMPUR | Dec 16, 2012 The newly-minted DAP central leadership today appointed seven non-Chinese and East Malaysian leaders into the centre executive committee (CEC) in a bid to sharpen its multiracial appeal. DAP first-term senator Ariffin M Omar was made a vice chairman to replace Tengku Abdul Aziz…
16th DAP National Congress: something memorable to share with you
Today, 15th December 2012, is the 16th DAP National Congress. If you are interested to take a look at our congress today, please visit: This year, the congress is held at Penang International Sports Arena (PISA), it is a closed-door stadium. The location is chosen due to the increase of members, delegates and branches….
16th DAP national congress crucial for party: Lim
the Sun Daily KUALA LUMPUR | Dec 14, 2012 DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has described tomorrow’s 16th DAP National Congress as crucial, “both internally and externally”, to select a new party leadership line-up, as well as begin the 100-day countdown before the 13th General Election. He said, this time around, the selection of the…
Teresa Kok: I have lost to Chong Eng? NST is clearly out of line
Media statement by Teresa Kok, Member of Parliament for Seputeh, Senior Exco of the State of Selangor and DAP Selangor Chairperson, at Kaula Lumpur on 14th December 2012. Two days ago, the New Straits Times (NST) published a news article which reported that I have lost to the incumbent DAP National Women’s wing Chief…
Lynas risks losing licence if it does not remove residue
By Ida Lim The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR | Dec 13, 2012 Australian miner Lynas may lose its temporary operating licence (TOL) if it fails to remove all residue and by-products from its Kuantan rare earth refinery out of the country, according to the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB). A spokesman from the regulator told…
DAP sediakan pusat jagaan kanak-kanak sepanjang kongres
ROCKETKINI.COM KUALA LUMPUR | Dec 12, 2012 Pusat jagaan kanak-kanak akan disediakan sepanjang dua hari Kongres Kebangsaan DAP kali ke-16 untuk kemudahan dan keselesaan perwakilan yang membawa bersama anak mereka. Setiausaha Penganjur DAP, Teresa Kok berkata, pusat jagaan itu akan dikendalikan sekumpulan professional berpengalaman bertujuan agar perwakilan dapat memberi tumpuan sepenuhnya sepanjang kongres berlangsung.
Selangor mengekal kedudukan No. 1 dalam jumlah pelaburan sektor industri pengeluaran
Kenyataan akhbar oleh Teresa Kok, EXCO Kanan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Pelaburan, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan di Shah Alam pada 12hb Disember 2012. Negeri Selangor masih mengekalkan momentum pelaburan yang cemerlang dengan mendahului Negeri lain dari segi jumlah nilai pelaburan yang diterima. Bagi tempoh Januari hingga September 2012, Selangor masih mengekalkan kedudukannya…
Che Huan Khor Moral Uplifting Society’s 56th Birthday
On the 2nd Dec, the Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Che Huan Khor Moral Uplifting Society held a celebration of its 56th birthday at Kuala Lumpur. I was there to witness the celebration and it is glad to share the joyful moment with the committee member of the society.