Lin See-Yan says the country is facing high debts, a weak currency and dependency on cheap foreign labour. PETALING JAYA: A former deputy Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) governor has voiced concerns over the economy, listing high national debt, a weak currency and dependancy on cheap foreign labour as signs of economic fatigue.
Are PAS-induced three-cornered fights an exaggerated demon?
COMMENT | In Malaysian politics, a three-cornered electoral contest has always been the Achilles’ heel of the opposition. But this is not the case with PAS-induced three-cornered fights, that the Islamist party has threatened to create in the coming 14th general election.
DAP wants PM to condemn attack, demands apology from Saravanan
I just can’t imagine political leader can take thugs to hit journalists physically …… 😳😲 ========================================= DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang has asked Deputy Youth and Sports Minister M Saravanan to apologise over his alleged involvement in a scuffle at a Tamil daily’s office on Tuesday.
Knock, knock, we are coming for you
EXCLUSIVE: PETALING JAYA: Knock, knock, who’s there? The answer could be the authorities, here to seize your belongings if you are a condo owner who defaulted on maintenance fees.
Two-thirds Parliament majority needed to solve unilateral conversion, says Najib
A TWO-thirds majority in Parliament is needed to amend the constitution in relation to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) (Amendment) Bill (LRA), said Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Ceramah in Taman Cempaka in Ipoh organised by DAP Perak
Last night I spoke in the ceramah in Taman Cempaka in Ipoh organised by DAP Perak.
Three-cornered fights may actually be bad for BN, PAS
MP SPEAKS | Contrary to popular belief, three-cornered fights between BN, Pakatan Harapan and PAS in the coming general election may affect BN more negatively than anyone else. PAS may even suffer a worse fate.
不放弃国家不等于认同马华和国阵治国, 批评政府施政不当不等于制造仇恨
(吉隆坡2日讯)行动党全国副主席郭素沁呼吁廖中莱和蔡金星弄清楚 “不放弃国家不等于认同马华和国阵治国”和“批评政府施政不当不等于制造仇恨”这立场,不要藉廖中莱的“国民”短片来玩弄字眼和自圆其说。