巫统灌输害怕华人和行动党心态 前学运领袖轰叩头文化愚化巫裔 李伟伦 | 2010年9月28日 上午 9点59分 Hishamuddin Rais Utusan Malaysia DJ Jamal, Hishamuddin Rais, Teresa Kok, MC 70年代学运领袖希山慕丁莱斯狠批巫统除了掌政以外,更通过掌控的主流媒体,极尽所能地愚化马来人,导致大多数的马来人思想僵化,只懂靠“叩头文化”获取好处及利益。 他表示,巫统控制马来人的目的,纯粹是要保住政权,结果种种控制方式,却造成大多数的马来人如今已丧失思考的能力。 村委会开会只索拨款 他说,拜《马来西亚前锋报》所赐,一些马来人已失去思考与辨识是非的能力,照单全收《前锋报》的新闻,选择相信该报指行动党秘书长林冠英成为槟州首长后,槟城沦陷于华人手中等论述。 “整个马来人世代现在靠巫统的文化所生存,只懂等主人给你一些东西,搞到马来人要向巫统叩头,经常要拨款或捐款。” “好像你可以看到村委会召开第一次会议,往往会马上问你是否有拨款,而不是讨论如何提升治安或亲善等工作。”
Kenyataan Akhbar Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng Di Komtar, George Town Pada 27 Sep 2010
Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang Tidak Akan Tunduk Kepada Usaha UMNO Mengganggu-gugat Program Penghargaan Warga Emas Sebanyak RM 100 Setiap Tahun. UMNO sekali lagi meneruskan fitnah dan tohmahan terhadap kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang dengan mendakwa bahawa program penghargaan warga emas dibiayai oleh sumber judi haram dan bila ini dibuktikan palsu mengalih kepada program Rakan Anti-Miskin(RAM) untuk…
You’re invited for “Talk & Change” forum with DJ Jamal, Hishamuddin Rais and me
Talk & Change / 言论有自由,族群才和谐 Date/日期 : 27.09.2010 (Monday) / 9月27日(星期一) Time/时间:8pm – 10pm / 晚上八点至十点 Venue/地点:Sri Petaling Hotel,No. 30, Jalan Radin Anum, Bandar Baru Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur. Speakers/主讲嘉宾:DJ Jamal 迦玛、Teresa Kok 郭素沁、Hishamuddin Rais View Larger Map
Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 中秋节快乐
Last Sunday (25 August 2010), Menteri Besar and I celebrated Mid-Autumn festival at i-City with our foreign investors and diplomats to make them feel at home and welcomed in Selangor.
On Malaysia Day, running Selangor state and women in politics
An interview featured in this month’s Rocket http://daprocket.com/en/?p=101 Shining for Seputeh and Selangor Friday, September 3, 2010 In conjuction with Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day, what does it mean for our country to be celebrating its 47th year as a nation? We are all citizens of Malaysia and proud to be so. As such, we…
Send me your questions to raise in Parliament
The next Dewan Rakyat sitting will be from 11 October – 15 December 2010. I will submit my Parliament questions for the Cabinet to answer soon. Suggestions from members of the public, especially those living, working or schooling in Seputeh are very welcome. Please suggest by commenting below. Each question should be very specific and…
Selangor government gives 4 pieces of land for Chinese schools
This morning, I held a press conference to announce that the Selangor State government has issued a letter of support to award four pieces of land for the purpose of building four chinese primary schools. The Petaling District chinese primary schools committee (Jabatan Kerja Kemajuan Sekolah Rendah Cina Petaling) applied to the Land Office for…
Please sign “Don’t burn the Quran” petition
As we go the extra mile to create racial and religious harmony in Malaysia and the world, I feel so sad to read about the plans of a pastor in US who is organising a “Burn a Quran Day“. Jesus’ core teaching is “love, forgiveness and peace”. How can that errant pastor lead his small…