The law, to replace the ISA, but which allows the police to detain a person for a maximum of 28 days for ‘investigation purposes’, is being debated now at parliament as Minister in PM’s dept. Nazri Aziz presents his winding up speech on the Bill. It’s chaos, as it usually is when it comes to…
PSC Minority Report on the Electoral Reforms
Below and attached is the minority report by the opposition MPs who were part of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Electoral Reforms. This was not allowed to be tabled in Parliament – resulting in the displeasure and chaos in Parliament a couple of weeks back when the Bill was bulldozed through by BN. PENYATA MINORITI…
‘Selangor MB, 19,000 more moved to new zones’
Out of the 19 over thousand ‘rel0cated’ voters, over 6’000 are in Selangor and 7’000 in Perak. Coincidence? Given Selangor is under Pakatan’s governance and Perak was (before the cross-overs)? Malaysiakini article: More than 19,000 registered voters have been moved to different localities and not just Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, said Election Commission…
Anwar: No difference between new law and ISA
New Security Offenses Bill to replace ISA being debated in Parliament. YB Gobind Singh (Puchong) and other DAP MPs waiting their turn to debate the bill which is just as bad as ISA, in some aspects. Below is the latest Malaysiakini article on it. (16 April 2012) The new Security Offences (Special Measures) Bill…
Critic of Muhyiddin’s statement against Dong Jiao Zong (15-4-2012)
郭素沁指慕希丁对董教师资短缺大会的批评, 显示他否定国内华小师资短缺问题的严重性 (吉隆坡15日讯)士布爹区国会议员郭素沁指副首相兼 教育部长慕希丁对董教总上个月主办师资短缺抗议大会的批评,显示他否定国内华小师资短缺问题的严重性,看来也不会对这问题采取行动。 她说,“身为教育部长,慕希丁应该关注国内所有源流学校面对的问题,而不是关注国小的发展吧了。” 她也指出,当副教长魏家祥声称教育部已经针对华小师资短缺问题拟定解决方案后,身为教长的慕希丁却又否定华小师资不足,并声称国小也面对同样问题,这显示出他对于解决华小师资不足问题没有诚意,魏家祥之前所作解决华小师资不足的方案,看来也不会落实。 她也说,董教总已经否认魏家祥在师资短缺抗议大会被打,而雪州总警长也否认这指责,董教总甚至把魏家祥出席该大会的录像带放上网。很遗憾的,慕希丁仍然公然的指魏家祥在董教总抗议大会上被打,这分明就是刻意混淆视听,乘机丑化董教总和淡化华小师资短缺的严重性。 郭素沁
RM2 Million presentation to four independent schools in Klang.
Today I presented Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Kwang Hua, Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Hin Hua, Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Pin Hwa and Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Chung Hwa. These are the four beneficiaries of the RM 2 million fund, and I presented it on behalf of the Selangor State Government. A special thanks to the organising committee for organising such a fruitful event….
Therapy blankets for old folks home
The Malay Mail Thursday, April 12, 2012 – 11:31 by Ram Anand CORPORATE CHARITY: Seputeh MP Teresa Kok witnesses the RM50,000 donation in cash and kind from Choyang Medical Instrument to the Victory Old Folks Home in Jalan Klang Lama KUALA LUMPUR: Residents of the Victory Old Folks Home in Old Klang Road were overjoyed,…
No DAP Councillor is ‘illiterate’ as opposed to claim by The Star
Press Statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor Senior State Exco and DAP Selangor Chairperson, Shah Alam – 10 April 2012. The article ‘DAP leaves five in a lurch’ (The Star, 10 April 2012, pg. 25) is weak and defamatory in its natural meaning as it is baseless and indirectly accuses the Selangor State Government and DAP’s…