TNB urged to run cables underground 2011/04/07 By Halim Said [email protected] KUALA LUMPUR: Why not run the high-tension cables underground? This is the question residents and business operators in Taman Halimahton, Jalan Klang Lama, want answered over the issue of the Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) high-tension cable pylons that are running alongside their homes. The…
MalaysiaKini, Outraged women tell Ibrahim they’re no ‘sex toy’, 8 April 2011
Glad to see that many right-thinking Malaysians are speaking up to condemn sexist MPs. Outraged women tell Ibrahim they’re no ‘sex toy’ Apr 8, 11 1:19pm Ibrahim Ali’s sexist remarks in Parliament yesterday has drawn fury from women scorned across the country. Women’s Aid Organisation chief Ivy Josiah said Ibrahim’s comments were unacceptable…
Miri police cancelled DAP ceramah permit at the last minute for SUPP’s karaoke event
DAP’s permit to hold public speeches cancelled due to karaoke function Posted on April 8, 2011, Friday PERMIT CANCELLED: (From centre) Fong, Loke and Ling display the police permit at Pelita Commercial Centre witnessed by (from left) Wu, Kok, Chua and Leong. MIRI: The issue over last-minute cancellations of police permits issued to opposition parties…
Ibrahim Ali should apologise for his sexist remark and submit himself to gender sensitivity training
(Chinese translation below) Press statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor State Senior EXCO and Member of Parliament for Seputeh in Miri on 8 April 2011 Ibrahim Ali should apologise for his sexist remark and submit himself to gender sensitivity training Just when we thought Ibrahim Ali, Member of Parliament for Pasir Mas, could not get any…
You’re invited to DAP fellowship with Christians in Miri on 7/4/2011
Come and join me for our DAP fellowship with Christians in Miri. Date: 7 April 2011 Time: 5-7.30pm Venue: Danum Room, 5th Floor, Imperial Hotel, Miri. Speakers: Teresa Kok, Selangor State Senior EXCO and MP for Seputeh Fong Pau Teck, DAP candidate for N64 Pujut Ling Sie Kiong, DAP candidate for N63 Piasau
Spirits being summoned to protect BN
KUCHING: Under the shroud of darkness in the Betong areas of Saribas, Layar and Bukit Saban, gods and spirits were being summoned to protect its Barisan Nasional (BN) masters as Sarawak slips into its most politically defining election journey. As at 9pm last night, sources in Betong confirmed that an extensive traditional Iban “miring” ceremony…
士布爹区国会议员郭素沁在2011年4月5日(星期二)在国会发表的演讲摘要: 郭素沁批评政府各部门在再生能源政策上缺协调,导致目标政策上发生矛盾 (吉隆坡5日讯)士布爹区国会议员郭素沁政府在没草拟详细的国家能源政策时,便推出再生能源法案,这造成政府各部门在设定再生能源发电的目标与政策上出现矛盾。 她举例说,能源、绿色科技和水务部所规定的首年9MW太阳能发电的市场限制太小,与国家经济转型计划制定在2020年达致1250MW太阳能发电的目标距离太大,显示政府部门之间在政策制定上缺乏协调。 郭素沁昨日在国会参与辩论“再生能源法案“时作出如此批评。
执政雪州3年犹胜国阵50年 郭素沁抨国阵盲目抨击民联 执政雪州3年犹胜国阵50年 郭素沁抨国阵盲目抨击民联 2011年3月30日 下午 3点42分 副首相慕尤丁昨天旋风般走访雪州各地,对民联雪州政府多番挞伐,同时扬言要在下届大选重夺雪州政权。针对国阵的来势汹汹,民主行动党雪州主席兼雪州高级行议员郭素沁强调,民联执政雪州3年的政绩,犹胜国阵执政50年。 她更抨击国阵“为掩饰其弊端,唯有无所不用其极”,甚至采取“睁眼说瞎说”的方式对雪州民联政府作出攻击。善用资源让人民享财富 郭素沁在今天发表文告表示,雪州民联甫上台,便制定了“雪州经济人民化”的施政主轴,并且妥善管理和善用雪州资源,从而获取更多收入以回馈人民,达致人民共享财富。