本星期国会2巫统议员的”月漏”闹剧还未结束,国会廉正遴选委员会主席柏纳东搏在本星期三内阁会议后,突然宣布辞去该委员会的主席职,震惊国会内外! 东搏呈辞的最初解释是,他身为内阁部长,使他不能有效的执行该委员会的任务。这解释肯定不会让许多人信服,因为过去一年多来,我们累听到该委员会接获一些惊人的投诉,以及某些政府部门高官拒绝出席该委员会的听证会,以对某些惊人的投诉作出解释的报导等。 果然,在东搏呈辞次日,掌管国会事务的首相署部长纳兹里开口评论东搏呈辞 事件,也揭露东搏辞职的真相。 纳兹里说,东搏辞职,与他和数名内阁部长对国会遴选委员会的角色产生歧见有关。他还举例说传召反贪污局前总监朱基菲事件,引发东搏和数名内阁部长对国会廉正遴选委员会的角色的不同看法。 纳兹里说他和数位部长认为,该委员会只是一个临时委员会,可以听取大众的意见,了解各界的看法,提升国家的廉正情况;但是东搏却认为遴选委员会应该拥有听取大众投诉廉正问题的权力。 他业说,廉正遴选委员会没有如 公共帐目委员会那样传召有关人事的权力。他说,遴选委员会可以传召某人,但是对方有权拒绝出席。 纳兹里说,东搏不满意他坚决反对传召朱基菲,加上最近国民登记局不愿就沙巴身份证问题出席听证会,令东搏感到失望而辞职。 纳兹里的解释后来还加多一条尾巴,说东搏在担任廉正遴选委员会主席时,受国会反对党领袖林吉祥的影响,他还说该委员会的国阵议员曾向他投诉他们对该遴选委员会的不满,但是这些国阵议员却没有向身为主席的东搏投诉。 当记者向东搏求证他是否受林吉祥影响时,东搏反讥纳兹里在作廉价评论!
Passing the buck to Shahrizat Reflects Gender Insensitive
This issue should be approached in a bipartisan manner since the remarks hurt the feelings of women and have tarnished the image of BN MPs and the Parliament.
Umno MPs headless chicken
It is very embarrasing for women to even think about it, sigh, not to mention that we have to make it into an issue and shout about it in the Parliament.
Govt tries to disarm The Rocket
Today I wrote a statement to rebut and criticise Deputy Minister of Internal Security Foo Ah Kiow trying to further limit the sales of The Rocket and other opposition organs. I said this shows that the ministry wants to control the media and control opposition parties. This is an act of restricting freedom of speech…
‘Liberty! Equality! Fraternity!’
I would like to say it loud and clear especially to my West Malaysian friends, that most – I would say all – Sabahans are not like that! We are a courteous, considerate lot who treat you equally regardless of your gender, race or belief. We welcome you in our fraternal and maternal arms in this age of liberty and equality.
Shelters to ‘protect, not detain’ victims
VICTIMS of human trafficking will be placed in shelters for their own protection. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz said this would allow the authorities to interview them. “The shelters are not detention centres, but for the victims’ best interests, to protect them from pimps or syndicates which trafficked in…
三年前某一期的国会,在国会最后一天的会议里,国会大厦外头倾盆大雨,雨水 从刚装修好不久的下议院天花板流了下来,后来雨水甚至干扰下议院的电路系统,导致麦克风和闭路电视不能操作,而逼使下议院院长提早宣布休会。 本周的国会的最后一天的会议,也与屋顶漏水有关。在本周三中午,雨水从国会大厦的媒体室外的天花板的几个小洞口流下,又成了另一宗政府部门建筑物纰漏的丑闻。 结果,更令国会蒙羞的,不是这宗天花板漏水的事件,而是当行动党议员在下议院把这事件提出来时,两个巫统议员居然会把屋顶漏水和冯宝君的“月漏“连在一块儿谈。当然更令咱们无奈的是,当冯宝君根据国会会议第26(1)(P)条例动议把这两个“衰多口“的议员提交到国会权利与自由委员会(即国会的纪律他委员会)审判时,议长竟然以该条文不适于提交这两个活宝到权利与自由委员会,因为有关条文只能在事件发生的当时引用。 换句话说,国会的会议条规根本就没有适当的条文来对付这些出言不逊的国阵“沙猪“议员。但是在这之前,国阵却能通过他们在下议院的强大势力,以冯宝君批评议长和卡巴星引用错误法律为由,通过动议而中止他俩的议员资格半年。
Anti-Human Trafficking Bill
All MPs were called back to attend Parliament sitting yesterday so that the Parliament can clear many bills that have been presented to us. It is really not easy for me, cos I have to do reading and make speeches. Thank God that I have friends who helped with pointers and references on certain bills….