It is very regretted that my former assistant who has worked for me for about six years, Khong Chee Seng, is finally expelled by the Disciplinary Committee of the DAP due to financial impropriety. The DAP Selangor state committee filed the complaint to Disciplinary Committee (DC) of the party after a few attempts to try…
Psalm 23
Some probably never thought nor looked at this Psalm in this way… The Lord is my Shepherd That’s Relationship! I shall not want That’s Supply! He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. That’s Rest! He leadeth me beside the still waters. That’s Refreshment! He restoreth my soul That’s Healing! He leadeth me in…
Memo of DAP FT MPs to PM at DBKL
The Prime Minister today paid a one day visit to Kuala Lumpur. He started off with y a welcome programme, meaning speeches in DBKL auditorium. Unfortunately and regrettably the four DAP MPs in FT were not invited to the eventl. But the four of us went to DBKL prior to the arrival of PM and…
自从国内事务部长宣布政府考虑让中国女人来大马当女佣之后,国内一些政党的妇女组和华裔妇女团体便纷纷对政府此举表示关注,她们担心政府这项政策的开放会破坏许多幸福的婚姻和家庭。 其实,在国内事务部长作出这项宣布之的两年前,砂拉越数个妇女团体已经要求政府禁止中国女郎进入马来西亚,因为许多中国女郎藉旅游签证和学生签证之名,在砂拉越作二奶,破坏许多家庭的幸福。此外,数年前,沙登一带的妇女团体也曾针对中国女郎破坏许多该区家庭的幸福,发出怒吼。 虽然,副国内事务部长陈财和已经澄清说,政府将为入口的中国女佣设下严格的准绳, 这包括申请女佣签证者必须是40岁以上和必须是回教徒;但是,只要你有机会与一些前来我国工作的中国人交流,你肯定发现中国某些移民事务局的制度蛮松散,这一切护照和签证的资料其实是很容易更改的。 据我所知,国内事务部长拉西在该部门掌权不久后,便有意开放门户,让中国女人来我国当家庭女佣。当时,他曾私下对笔者和数位国会议员说,他听说中国40岁以上的成熟妇女比较靠得住,如果她们出国工作的话,那么她们是纯为赚钱而认真工作,而不会“胡来”。
Chua under fire
Malay Mail, today HEALTH Minister Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek came under fire from several quarters yesterday following his statement which was construed as ‘defending’ Assunta Hospital on the controversy surrounding the death of road bully victim Yek Yow Ngan. Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations president N. Marimuthu lambasted Chua’s apparent stance, chiding the…
My questions for parliament
Dear friends, Thank you so much for sharing with me your views and ideas on what I should ask in the parliament. I have taken some of your suggested questions this time. I will try to give you the answers via my blog. Fyi, there is a format in framing Parliament questions. Each question cannot…
Joy takes a backseat in 2-1 ruling
The Verdict Of The Federal Court On Lina Joy’s Case Is A Setback Against Religious Freedom In Malaysia The 2-1 decision of the Federal Court to deny Lina Joy her choice to remove the word “Islam” from her identity card and pass the buck to the Syariah Court has dismayed and alarmed many Malaysians of…
Very loud ‘no’ to China maids
The proposal to bring in domestic help from China has triggered strong opposition from women leaders of Chinese-based parties in the Barisan Nasional and the DAP who fear that Chinese nationals might wreck Malaysian families. “There is distrust of Chinese nationals among the local Chinese community as even now there are many broken marriages because…