Kenyataan akhbar Teresa Kok, Setiausaha Kebangsaan Wanita DAP merangkap Ahli Parlimen Seputeh pada 8 Jun 2009 DAP memandang serius terhadap usul yang diluluskan di Muktamar PAS hari ini untuk mendesak Kerajaan supaya mengharamkan pertubuhan Sisters In Islam (SIS) jika didapati ia melanggar ajaran Islam sebagaimana yang diamalkan oleh PAS. Sebagai rakan Pakatan Rakyat, PAS sepatutnya…
Restricting SPM students to 10 papers is limiting knowledge
To restrict the number of papers is a suppression of their rights to knowledge and suppression to their talents. The real problems lie in the hands of education ministry officers who are involved in the selection process.
Welcome Sultan Selangor @ KLIA On 25.05.09
On 25th May 2009, MB and all excos and many VIPs waited for the return of Sultan Selangor at the Bunga Raya building at KLIA. It was my first time step into the building. Sultan shook hand with us. Puteri Kuyah is the sister of the Sultan. She’s a stunner even at 56! The man…
Peace Vigil In Unity for the liberty of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
Please come with your friends to show solidarity for Aung San Suu Kyi – one of the greatest leader of peaceful resistance against oppression of our time – and the oppressed people of Burma. DATE: Sunday, 31 May 2009 TIME: 6.00pm VENUE: Meet at entrance of KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Dress code: Wear…
2009年5月25日星期一 雪兰莪州政府经贸招商代表团定于2009年6月7日-10日以及6月10日-12日分别前往中国西安和广州两地进行招商访问,期间将拜会陕西省和广东省政府领导人,并在当地举办大型招商引资说明会,介绍雪州的投资环境。 雪州是大马门户,工业发达,人口密集,具备良好投资环境和优惠的投资政策。目前州内吸引外资的热点包括英达岛工业区、吧生港自由贸易区、雪兰莪第二科技园区等。近期雪州政府也邀请了几十位有实力的本地商家到这些新工业园区参观,获本地商家的热烈反应。 雪州近年来吸引了来自美、日、德、英、新、韩、台等几十个国家地区的外资,分别投资在电子、冶金、化工、橡胶、造纸、食品、家具、印刷、机械设备、石油化工、天然气等行业。 雪州交通通讯发达,基础设施完善,是投资工业生产与产品出口的首选地点,也是居住、教育、旅游、举办会议和大型活动等的好地方。在当前世界经济不景的大环境下,雪州更需要加强对外招商引资的工作。 此次招商活动在西安和广州两地吸引了许多欲前往大马投资的大型中国企业的参与。为给招商活动造势并提供交流机会,雪州有意邀请本地商家随团参与州政府在西安和广州的招商活动,有意参加者可联络:019-3870467 或03-55447311,安排截止日期是5月31日(星期日)。 郭素沁 雪兰莪州政府高级行政议员暨商务理事会主席
Soalan Lisan dan Bertulis Bagi Sidang Parlimen Jun – Julai 2009
Soalan Lisan 1) 16 Jun 2009 (Selasa) YB Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) minta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan bilangan anak pelarian yang belajar di sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah di negara kita dan prosedur memasuki sekolah tempatan. Memandangkan keturunan pelarian dan orang asing tanpa izin di negara kita ini semakin meningkat, macam manakah…
Sassy as ever. Again.
Lim Kit Siang‘s blog had traffic issues on Friday night. Lim Lip Eng‘s blog was mental yesterday. This blog was down for two days and a trojan was found and exorcised. I am very grateful to those who helped breath life back to this blog. I shall not speculate on what may have happened but…
IGP should stop being political lapdog
The police must release immediately without condition Teratai assemblyman Jenice Lee and 16 others who were arrested for leading a candlelight vigil near her service centre in Ampang last night. The vigil was to mourn the death of democracy in Perak. This is the second time in three days that the police have stalked and…