Cadangan kenaikan gaji yang lebih tinggi dan kemudahan yang lebih baik bagi pegawai polis dan anggota bomba yang berpangkat rendah supaya pendapatan mereka dapat memenuhi keperluan asas mereka dalam pekerjaan yang berisiko tinggi ====================================================================== Saya mengalu-alukan pengumuman kenaikan gaji penjawat awam oleh Perdana Menteri Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada 1 Mei sempena Hari Pekerja. Ini…
Fried chicken and race: Teresa rejects boycott, calls for cooler heads DAP vice-chairperson Teresa Kok has called for cooler heads to prevail over the latest incident in a string of issues related to race and religion in the nation. Cautioning that an “eye for an eye retaliation would make Malaysia blind”, the Seputeh MP was commenting on local restaurant Darsa Fried Chicken being accused of…
KL MPs object to proposed development at Kg Bohol flood retention pond area THE Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali will be asked to clarify matters on the proposed redevelopment of the Kampung Bohol flood retention pond. Seputeh MP Teresa Kok said as Mohd Zuki was the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Land Executive Committee (JKTWPKL) chairman, she would want to know why…
DAP cabar Muhyiddin nyatakan pendirian PN isu sekolah Cina KKB BY-ELECTION | DAP vice-chairperson Teresa Kok has thrown down a vernacular education gauntlet to Perikatan Nasional chairperson and Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin. The challenge comes in the wake of PAS information chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari honing in on the coalition government’s candidate for the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election Pang Sock Tao’s vernacular education…
PN tak akan tutup sekolah vernakular, kata Wan Fayhsal
Akhirnya, PN menyatakan pendiriannya terhadap sekolah vernakular. Saya berharap YB Ahmad Fadhli (MP Pasir Mas) akan henti menyoal latar-belakang calon PH di PRK KKB dan henti mainkan isu sekolah vernakular. PETALING JAYA: Perikatan Nasional tidak akan menutup sekolah vernakular, kata Ketua Pemuda Bersatu, Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal mengenai pendirian gabungan itu. Beliau…
Divisive, Irresponsible, and Racist: Does PN Candidate Khairul Azhari Saut Support PAS MP Ahmad Fadhli Shaari’s Malicious Intentions in Weaponizing Vernacular Education Against DAP-PH Candidate Pang Sock Tao in the KKB By-election?
It was truly disheartening to come across the Facebook post by PAS Information Chief and MP Ahmad Fadhli Shaari, which was not only malicious but also aimed at highlighting the educational background of DAP-Pakatan Harapan candidate Pang Sock Tao, insinuating that her exceptional SPM results were somehow tied to her attendance at a vernacular school….
藉恒毅二校准证课题叫暄 郭素沁:马华转移视线和投机
藉恒毅二校准证课题叫暄 郭素沁:马华转移视线和投机 (吉隆坡16日讯)行动党全国副主席郭素沁指,马华总会长魏家祥此前处理恒毅二校准证问题失责,现在却刻意藉此课题大做文章来抨击行动党,以转移大众视线,其投机嘴脸表露无遗。 郭素沁今日发表文告指,“马华既要成为团结政府的成员党,却又不断的抨击团结政府的施政,同时也特别把矛头针对行动党,大演团结政府里的反对党的角色,充份反映该党的不忠和吃里扒外。 她也指出,魏家祥只敢在其中文版脸书提及恒毅二校准证课题,英巫语版却只字不提,这反映出他要在华社和中文媒体玩弄恒毅二校的课题。 也是士布爹区国会议员的郭素沁说,在马华加入团结政府后,无缘晋阁的马华对行动党“情有独钟”,三天一小叫,五天一大喊,把行动党部长和议员批得万恶不赦,充份显示他酸葡萄的心态。 至于指行动党是投机政党的马华副总会长黄日升,她反批说:还有谁比黄魏二人更投机? 郭素沁指出,“第15届大选后,黄魏二人暗地里私签法定声明(SD)给国盟,支持国盟主席慕尤丁当首相。伊党主席哈迪阿旺也在2022年11月30日证实,马华确有此举支持国盟成立中央政府。黄魏这种渴望当官的嘴脸,就是纯正的投机大种。” 郭素沁揶揄黄魏当官多年,官架习气未改,尔今却在官场外徘徊回朝无期,固中坐冷凳的酸涩和旁落,尤其是魏家祥将在2026年卸下马华总会长职位,“部长梦”几近到站,其内心酸溜不难理解。“难道对行动党叫喧就能排解政治闷郁?” 郭素沁说,既然马华在团结政府阵营内如此难受,又站出一个反对党的姿态,索性就退出国阵,一可向展示肌肉给巫统看看,马华是有胆色退出国阵;二,投入国盟怀抱,与慕尤丁续前缘。
The Cabinet must proceed with caution regarding the proposed amendments to the Urban Redevelopment Act (URA) to avoid exacerbating overcrowding problems in schools in cities
Recently, Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek announced that the Education Ministry has developed both long and short-term strategies to address overcrowding in schools nationwide, particularly in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. While I welcome the Education Minister’s attention to the issue of overcrowded schools, it is crucial to recognize that approving redevelopment projects without considering the availability…