My blogger mate from Politics 101 asked me to answer a series of questions for an interview about two months ago and I agreed, but I was too busy and had no time to answer all the questions then. In the past week he told me he wanted to include the interview in the 50…
Register as a user for this blog
Comments from unregistered readers are sometimes held in the moderation queue for up to a few days as I do not have the luxury of time to check every day. I sugguest you register through the site admin link in sidebar. It is a painless process and takes just two minutes. As a registered user,…
Civil Service Excellence Forum
English Forum: Civil Service Excellence: Quality vs Quantity “The Government must hence take the painful but very important step of trimming the civil service sector into a leaner and more efficient “machine”. The increase in pay will be a waste of public funds, if the move is not accompanied by a corresponding increase in civil…
‘The Lady and I’
This is an excerpt from Number One Wisma Putra published by the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations of Malaysia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2006. In it, former UN Special Envoy Razali Ismail tells of his encounters with Aung San Suu Kyi and the Burmese military junta.
Pantun “Bocor Lagi”
Someone sent me this ‘pantun’, I find it very interesting. Just share it with you. Bocor Lagi by Keris Silau – Malaysia Today Bocor teruk kata Samy Wiring lama kata Ramli Bangunan tua kata Nazri Najib said it’s PWD Semua ada alasan sendiri But where you all spent the money? RM90 juta untuk cantikkan lobby…
Roundtable conference postponed
The First World Parliament Now! — Our Expectations On Parliament roundtable conference scheduled to start tomorrow at 10:00hr at Bilik Jawatankuasa 1, 1st floor, Parliament building has been postponed. A new date will be announced as soon.
Anything you wanna ask parliament?
Hello friends, The next sitting of parliament is in June. The deadline for MPs to submit questions is looming, so if anyone has any interesting questions for me to toss at the government, please e-mail them to me by 9pm tonight. Sorry for the last minute invitation but better late than never. 🙂
“Respect Women’s Dignity”
Fong Po Kuan and I, together with members of civil society, condemn the two sexist Umno MPs outside Shahrizat’s office May 15 before giving her a protest memorandum. 10-Point Resolution To Uphold Women’s Dignity Towards A First World Parliament BY HAND Y.B. Dato’ Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga Dan Masyarakat Aras 1-6,…