I feel sad that Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam has not shown respect to the Selangor State Government over the appointment of our own State Secretary. Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim was never consulted by the Federal Government. I feel that this goes against the concept of 1Malaysia which stresses upon unity. The elected State Government should have been accorded due respect.
I just want to update you on the current status:
3 JANUARI 2011
Saya telah mengadap DYMM Sultan Selangor hari ini bagi membincangkan isu pelantikan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri.
DYMM Sultan Selangor telah berpandangan bahawa Baginda tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk menerima atau menolak calon-calon yang dicadangkan oleh Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA).
Ini kerana kuasa itu telah ditarik balik pada 1993 iaitu selepas krisis Perlembagaan berlaku yang mana Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor turut dipinda bagi memusatkan kuasa persekutuan.
DYMM Sultan Selangor mencadangkan supaya kerajaan negeri mengadakan perbincangan dengan SPA untuk mencari penyelesaian terbaik. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada DYMM Sultan atas nasihat dan pandangan baginda.
Justeru itu, demi kebaikan Negeri Selangor dan menjunjung titah Tuanku, Kerajaan negeri akan menulis surat kepada SPA bagi membincangkan semula calon yang layak, sesuai dan berkebolehan untuk mengisi jawatan tersebut.
Sehingga penyelesaian muktamad dicapai antara kerajaan negeri dan SPA, maka kerajaan negeri tidak mahu terlibat dalam sebarang bentuk majlis atau keraian berkaitan jawatan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri.
Ini bermakna majlis angkat sumpah di hadapan Menteri Besar tidak akan diadakan dan Dato’ Khusrin Munawi tidak akan hadir pada sebarang Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri dan Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Negeri Selangor sebagai ex-officio.
Pada masa yang sama, Kerajaan Negeri akan mencadangkan kepada Dato’ Speaker untuk mengadakan sidang Dewan Negeri Selangor tergempar bagi meminda Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor untuk mengembalikan kuasa pelantikan tiga pegawai eksekutif iaitu Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Pegawai Kewangan dan Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri kepada Sultan dan Menteri Besar.
Can you expect a rabid like Umno not to bark or bite ?
This is a good time to catch BN.If they say that PR does not have enough votes in the assembly to amend the constitution, then the BN members are all to be called as “disrespecting of the royalty” .
Time to have some serious strategist in PR. Need to build up the momentum for the coming GE13.Plan now.
And work the plan all the way to GE13.
We want PR to win. We need PR to win or our beloved country will have gone to far down the drain and will be very difficult to rebuild. There will be nothing left for the rakyat as the traitors of the country would have bled the country dry with their one sided contracts!
We are all concern about the current state of affairs in the country- daily snatch thieves-some murderous ones , racism,corruption in high offices, the use of MACC,Polis and Judioiary for political purposes etc.
The Majority of Rakyat support Pakatan Rakyat to put an end to the current bad state of affairs.
Hidup Reformasi !
Daulat Tuanku ! Our beloved Sultan Selangor has once again shown he is not taking sides and has use his wisdom to advise YAB MB Selangor on the matter. Umno/Bn is trying a Perak style takeover and all should condemn such a move against the majority wishes of the Rakyat of Selangor of all races.
Under Art.52, ONLY the appropriate Service Commission, namely, the SPA has the right to appoint the SUK. But the SUK unlike most Selangor Heads of Department is not a federal post but a State post. As such, SPA before confirming such appointment must submit the name of the potential candidate to the State for approval. In Kusrin’s case, the SPA has, bf getting the State’s consent, promoted him to acting Jusa A and appointed him SUK S’gor. Notwithstanding that, until and unless the State Gov’t had consented to his appointment to fill the SUK post, which is a State post, Kushrin should not report himself to the State Secretariat to assume the SUK post.
The normal procedure is this. Kusrin should report himself to the Dir. General of the JPA pending the settlement of the impasse between JPA and the State Government. He will continue to draw his acting Jusa A salary and perks from the Federal Gov’t and he will be placed in the JPA’s ‘pool’ of officers.
I’m surprised that Kusrin is allowed to enter the State Secretariat and occupy the office of the SUK; both premises being properties of the Selangor State Government, when the Selangor Gov’t had rejected his appointment. Once Selangor had rejected Kusrin’s appointment, it now becomes the responsibility of SPA to propose an alternative candidate. Selangor can only reject Kusrin’s apointment on valid and reasonable grounds like his seniority, capability, suitability and his previous underperformances as a State officer. Until and unless both parties agree to an alternative candidate, the post of SUK should be considered vacant.