UTUSAN MALAYSIA – Dalam Negeri mukasurat 15
7 April 2008 (Isnin)
SHAH ALAM 6 April – Kerajaan campuran Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), DAP dan Pas Selangor meluluskan projek mendirikan ladang penternakan babi bernilai RM100 juta di Sepang.
Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri (Exco) Selangpr, Teresa Kok (gambar) ketika dihubungi mengesahkannya dan memberitahu, keputusan itu dibuat pada mesyuarat Exco yang berlangsung Rabu lalu.
Beliau juga Setiausaha Nasional Wanita DAP bagaimanapun eggan mengulas bila projek tersebut akan dimulakan.
“Ladang ini akan didirikan di Sepang. Saya tidak boleh beritahu lebih lanjut mengenai projek ini kerana ia di bawah tanggungjawab Ahli Exco berkaitan”, katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia hari ini.
Teresa dalam laman blognya, http://teresakok.com berkata, Selangor berhasrat untuk menjadi contoh terbaik kepada kerajaan negeri lain dalam mengusahakan penternakan ladang babi secara moden.
“Saya amat berbangga dengan keputusan kerajaan negeri meluluskan projek ini.
Saya akan memaklumkan kepada semua Exvo dalam mesyuarat itu bahawa biarlah ladang penternakan babi di Selangor menjadi contoh kepada negeri-negeri lain,” katanya yang memegang portfolio Pelaburan, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan.
Beliau memberitahu, setiap perkara berkaitan dengan ternakan babi atau daging babi seharusnya tidak dijadikan isu sensitif.
Tersa memberikan contoh di mana beliah pernah melihat babi-babi berkeliaran di perkampungan orang Melayu di Tumpat, Kelantan sewaktu melawat negeri itu beberapa tahun lalu.
“Saya betul-betul tidak faham kenapa segelintir orang amat sensitif jika menyentuh perkara berkaitan babi atau daging babi.
Saya sering memberitahu Ahli-ahli Parlimen Barisan National (BN) di Dewan Rakyat bahawa babi juga adalah ciptaan Tuhan,” katanya dalam laman blog berkenaan.
I hope Selangor can be a model state where Malaysian can live together, accepting and respecting each others’ differences.
There is nothing wrong with the animal.
Dear YB Teresa Kok,
As glad as I am that we are moving in the right direction, that is towards a more open society, I can’t help but feel that news like this should have been kept to a minimal exposure.
Not that I am against press freedom but it is just the matter of respect and being sensitive. I’m sure all of the real malaysians wouldn’t even be bothered with this but putting this up in the news might be misconstrued to being a showoff.
Why would I say that you are asking me? Because if it would have been a chicken farm with even twice the investment value, it would have probably still not made it to the news. So why should this be special in anyway?
I disagree, oreo
If it was a chicken farm or cow farm, I am sure the same would have been reported.
As long as the tone of the reporting does not sound as showing off, or implying anything apart from journalistic and factual reporting, it should be ok.
However, this was a main issue during election, if BN was offended, I think they started it as an issue so should be responsible.
If its necessary to keep pigs farm away from Moslem community, then do it.
We should listen to the request of all community and find a middle of the road solution to suit everyone.
Surely a secluded land can be found away from all community, because I as a non moslem still dont like to be near a big pigs farm because the smell can sometimes be unbearable, despite the assurance of modern farming method.
So leave the politics and religion aside, we should be working together for the country and everything should be okay
I am with Sabahfan on this one. I’m going to buy some oreo after work tonite and eat it with milk. 🙂
This is the 21st century and if we can modernise farming processe, be it chicken, pig, cow whatever, we should strive to improve further upon it and share the knowledge. That’s how to progress.
Give credit to the Malays in Malaysia. How many of them are truly offended by picture of a pig in a blog or news reporting about pig farming? Some opportunist maybe (we should their surfing history too. 🙂 ) Teresa’s own words do not carry a hint of insult. A sense of pride, yes, but she is not benefitting from it.
Do you see Hindus get pissed when our pasar openly sells beef? When they walk into MacDonald’s, the offensive BIG MAC looms large. Yummy Burger King scream 100% beef, Ramli’s burger lembu is being sold everywhere and we have corned beef in every major supermarkets. Did you see Hindraf boys protesting about this? NO! NO ! NEVER!
Time to give my ANEHs bro a Big Hand! I read in the papars that the Perak state government is going towards charging only RM1 for quit rent/assessment for Chinese schools.
While our aneh & tangachee friends deserve that they get, let’s gather some EAST MALAYSIAN FRIENDS and SHOW THEM SOME COMPASSION, LOVE, CARE AND EQUALITY!
I am overwhelmed by the new direction that our new state government is taking. Indeed is a welcome change of comprehension and a sense of belonging that we Malaysians will be able to live in harmony and in racial integration. It is actually not a sensitive issue as even many Muslim countries do rear hogs or in Bahasa, khinzir instead of babi will be a less sensitive word to use.
Look at Morocco, a muslim land, they rear and slaughter hogs as their their profession. See video here.
Although here we must admit we have to be discreet and such hog farms have to be hygienic and environmentally conscience to avoid misunderstanding amongst our fellow muslim brethens. Segregating and approving such lands is indeed a prudent move and the private sectors who intend to set up such farms in Sepang should use modern technologies like good manufacturing practice and Integrated Pest Management which are clearly lacking in our present scenario. This will to a large extent, prevent epedemics like the ones we experienced while during the JE and the avian flu outbreak . The new government will have to implement proper and vivid guidelines to these investors to observe such practices and provide the necessary assistance. Syabas to Pakatan Raykat.
Ang Tan Loong
Sebagai seorg muslim saya terpanggil untuk memberi sedikit komen mengenai haiwan babi ini. Islam adalah agama yg toleransi, tiada halangan jika yg bkn Islam untuk menternak babi mahupun memaparkan gambar babi dihalaman blog anda, ia adalah hak anda akan tetapi cik teresa haruslah mengambil kira sensitivi rakyat muslim yg menetap disepang, ia bkn ditentang oleh org muslim sendiri tetapi jg bangsa lain. Byk masalah akan timbul contohnya masalah pencemaran air dan bau busuk, cik teresa harus mengambil contoh seperti negara Thailand dimana ladang babi mereka ini adalah jauh dari penempatan perumahan. Lg satu perkara yg musykil bg saya mengapa menggunakan duit rakyat sebayak RM100juta?? sedangkan ia hanya kepentingan sesetengah pihak sahaja?
Congrats YB,
Its great to know that the new Selangor government is proactives in business dealings keep up the good work but with cautions and not rushing to conclusions.
Referring to the approved RM100 mil in pig farming, I believed it is refering to the PFA (Pig Farming Area) concepts that was first mooted during the Nipah virus back in the late 90’s.
There has been many talks on PFA before and presented to many state governments especially to now PR controlled states and none of the previous government wants to have any relationship to it nor talk about it. As it may jeopardise thier interest in the state government.
What I would like to highlight is there was a project in Tg Sepat for this PFA and it is half built and left redundant.
– So why now proposed in Sepang? Sepang is very much near to KLIA, and it doesnt seems to be appropriate.
– Secondly in any PFA or pig farming, there is a need of BIG support from government to help the industry to rejenuvate and to solve the solid waste that is harmful to environment.
– The waste (farm waste) in overseas are either converted to organic fertilisers or generating electricty through bio-gas.
Lastly I would like to share is that as long as PFA projects are handle the correctly both environmental and sensitivity as a nation interest, it will contribute significant into our GDP and reducing the food import at deficits.
By the way, the world pork producers are increasing its production to meet the growing demands for China so dont we think is a business to look into. China consumes half of the world pork.
I wonder why Chinese eat pork. Really don’t you guys know that pigs are one hell dirty animal, it eats its own shit, bloody smelly, full of germs and worms..(psssttt..it won’t die even if you cook it for 5 hours!)
I wonder why the money spent for pig farms only?? What’s your rational Teresa? Do you want this country to face another JE? Don’t you think the number of death due to JE is enough that you want to add more to it? Are you blind to see the pollution caused by the pig farms?
You spent RM100 million for new pig farms but how much more will you need for outbreak like JE? Helo…you tidur ke?
Please buat kerja baik-baik la aso..
hai sahabat Selangorian,
pandangan saudara memang waras dan matang.
Mengenai pasal RM100 juta tu…saya ada pendapat sikit. Menurut Tun Mahathir orang Cina paling banyak menyumbang cukai. Ini mungkin benar kerana orang Cina tdak perlu NEP/DEB sedangkan ornag Melayu perlu.
Oleh itu, tak salah jika cukai Cina dipakai untuk modenkan urusan kebun babi. Pekebun babi pun banyak bayar cukai dan banting tulang cari rezeki. Secara tidak langsung, orang Islam pun bermanfaat kerana alam sekitar boleh dijaga. Duit cukai Cina telah lama diguna untuk membuat surau dan masjid. Gua pun tak marah.
Apa yang saya marah adalah pembaziran cukai saya atas perkara-perkara ini
1) hantar pelancong ke angkasa lepas
2) beli senjata senjata canggih teapi Negara kita tidak memerlukan sebanyak itu
3) membikin Bandar Putrajaya yang sebenarnya ada alternative lain
Don’t be daft. Pork is very delicous. German pork knuckles are brilliant in Europe whereas here, Seremban & Melaka satay, Kelang bah Kut Teh and KL Bak Kua plus Seremban Siew Pau are bloody brilliant sedap. Bali is famous also for guling babi.
Having pig farms do not equal to JE. If like that, Denmark would be wiped out. Instead, they won the 1992 European football championship produce football greats like the Laudrup brothers, Soren Lerby, that angry Man Utd goalkeeper.
In fact, great piece of work YB Teresa, for sorting out the pig farm to make it systematic and able to produce economic value.
saya amat tidak bersetuju dgn projek ini..ape faedah yg dapat diperolehi??? sedangkan dalam al-quran telah terang-terang menyatakan babi mempunyai kuman yang tidak dapat dihapuskan walaupun direbus..sebab itu ia diharamkan oleh Islam…adakah penyakit akibat kuman JE yang datang dari babi ingin diulangi lagi???kini di Negeri Selangor pula..saya berpendapat barisan alternatif mampu mengubah kerajaan dengan suara rakyat..tapi ini bukan suara rakyat yang ingin RM100juta untuk ternakan babi..Sebagai negara yang menyokong Islam sebagai agama rasmi,projek ini adalah amat tidak wajar..setiap keputusan dan apa2 perkara perlu berteraskan Islam..kerana hanya Islam yang dapat menyelamat manausia…
come on lah, orang bukan Islam tak boleh ikut cara hidup sendirikah?
ternak babi bukan haram untuk kami. penternak babi banting tulang, tak malas, tak rasuah, hempas pulas untuk membekal makanan kepada orang ramai. mereka lebih mulia daripada mak rempit, perogol, pencuri, perompak dan sebagainya.
Babi pun ciptaan allah…babi pun boleh rasa sakit, rasa takut, jangan hina binatang ini. Mereka ni tak berdosa…malah nampak cute cute lago.
Lagi pun, belanja duit untuk memodenkan sektor pertanian lebih baik daripada hantar angkasawan yang tak datang sebarang manfaat.
Malaysia ini banyak jenis orang, banyak jenis budaya. Jika hanya corak hidup beza, jangan pula menghina ….
tengok, Teresa tak ada censor bantahan- bantahan yang diterima, bukankah ini lebih mulia, besar hati dan demokratik berbanding dengan utusan malaysia? utusan malaysia telah dituduh membangkitkan rasa perkauman dengan liputan yang berat sebelah dan mufti Perlis pula menasihat TV3 supaya jangan buat yang sama
puchong_man, adakah anda agen pengacau daripada pihak tertentu yang cuba mengakibatkan komen-komen sini menjadi hangat kerana isu-isu perkauman?
Tolonglah, jangan buat kacau sini….
Hi Sorimas,
I would like to note that hogs (pigs) is one type of animal that doesnt like to be filthy given a choice. In the US or Denmark the hog farming is very much clean and environmental friendly so it can be clean as other livestock farming.
Further note that pork (the meat) is one of the highest biodegradable meat/ protein that available on earth that means human body absorb the protein much faster than any other meat. Nevertheless this note is not to offend anyone especially to the Moslems friends. Lets observed and respect one culture and customs.
In livestock farming, disease outbreak do happens when bio safety and rules is relaxed or not followed. Thus it is not only hog farming is life threatening to environment or prone to disease outbreak it happens many times to poultry farming too “Famous Avian Flu” till today it is happening and outbreak in other countries even the developed ones.
News had reported that Avian Flu did took many precious life away and still happening, by the way if it is not mistaken Avian Flu took more lifes away than the JE episode. So think again about it.
The RM 100 million investment being approved by previous government and now implemented by the new government which shows the continuity of government pro projects. One thing for sure BN will not shout about it and express it openly like YB did.
In addition please note this investment is not “duit rakyat” as commented, It is from some investors that wants to invest in this area of business.
Babi hanya haram dimakan, diternak atau dimasak oleh orang Islam. Nak lihat rupa babi atau menyentuhnya tidaklah berdosa dalam Islam.. Jadi kenapa Islam mengharamkan makan babi untuk penganut Islam sejak lebih seribu tahun dulu??? tentu ada sebabnya. Tuan-tuan sendiri cuba buat kajian bagi yang pakar atau membaca buku kajian mengenai haiwan (babi) ini… Bagi orang Islam pula bukalah buku2 fiqh (kitab2 hukum dalam Islam) untuk mengetahui hukum2 yang lengkap mengenai mengenai babi ini yang ditulis oleh Ulama2 Islam sejak lebih 1300 tahun dulu sehinggalah sekarang. Banyak terdapat buku2 fiqh ini sampai terhitung jumlahnya dan pengarangnya..
jadi apa masalahnya?
Terpulanglah kepada mereka yang bukan Islam untuk memakan, menternak atau memakannya… Cuma yang kita (orang Islam) mahu supaya ia haruslah diurus dengan baik tanpa mencemarkan alam sekitar setelah projek ternakan ini bermula…
Bagi penganut kristian saya nak tanya.. Ada tak Bible menyebut tentang hukum makan babi? kot2 boleh kita boleh kongsi ilmu dan maklumat…
Yo! lee wee tak,
Waa..so rude aa calling others daft? Your mother never teaches you manners ka? Don’t be ignorance la.. you cannot compare Malaysia’s pig farms with those in US or Denmark haiyo.. have you actually been to one of these farms in Rawang? In Ipoh? Tak tengok jangan cakap la fren!!
Well I have! And it disturbed the whole community in my area a lot for so many many years. We can’t even open our windows when down pour because the smell is ‘so sedap’ like you said…ha ha ha…uwekk..
As much as you want people to respect your way of living and culture, so do I.
I agree with you totally. The penternak babi is the culprit in this issue. You know it and so do the rest of us here. I care less who ever the stockholders are or who gave the approval for the development of pig farms or if Avian flu cause more harm than JE! We should be more concern with the sustainability of the environment! Now we want to pollute it more with another pig farm?
I know and have seen how these pig farms operator works and they are totally ignorance on hygiene. I DON’T believe they want to move their plant to Sepang. Wanna bet? It will be just another branch of pig farms by the government. There’s no law and regulation pertaining to enforce all ladang babi to be under one roof in Sepang. Tell Teressa to work on that first, than you can argue with me.
“Saya betul-betul tidak faham kenapa segelintir orang amat sensitif jika menyentuh perkara berkaitan babi atau daging babi.
if you can come out with this below
“I wonder why Chinese eat pork. Really don’t you guys know that pigs are one hell dirty animal, it eats its own shit, bloody smelly, full of germs and worms..(psssttt..it won’t die even if you cook it for 5 hours!)”
surely you can take a mild word like “daft”.
Live by the sword die by the sword. You can’t impose double standard whereby you can dish it out but you won’t let people have a go back. Unless you are a certain recalcitrant retired doctor who is having a good go a the whole world.
Leave my mother out of this as I am not involving yours.
“you cannot compare Malaysia’s pig farms with those in US or Denmark haiyo.. have you actually been to one of these farms in Rawang? In Ipoh? Tak tengok jangan cakap la fren!!”
– I had seafood dinner in Chuah right opposite the pig farm. I know how they smell. I went to Chuah and visited my pig farm friends.
If you get offended, all the more we should modernise the farm and move the nuisance out of harm’s way.
You should also consider the plight of the farmers. They have to struggle and work hard in a smelly environment. Their taxes paid hardly come back to them. They are being used as political tools in a propaganda war. They died by the dozens when JE struck and the donation they got went missing.
The RM100million also I heard is not from the state entirely. Time for us to let them have a chance to work towards a better tomorrow.
“I know and have seen how these pig farms operator works and they are totally ignorance on hygiene. I DON’T believe they want to move their plant to Sepang. Wanna bet? It will be just another branch of pig farms by the government. There’s no law and regulation pertaining to enforce all ladang babi to be under one roof in Sepang. Tell Teressa to work on that first, than you can argue with me.
– using your own argument, have you asked them whether they want to move? Have you read the Chinese press reporting their preference? Pig farmers are reasonable business men. Give them a chance to make a living, fine them heavily for pollution and they will hapily tow the line.
I agree with you that some may take the easy and dirty way out to make more profit therefore, centralise them and subject them to uniform and stringent environmental rules.
Now I am behaving like a gomen trying to solve a proble so we should avoid adopting the way of an opposition that oppose for the sake of opposing. We must have solutions and not just negative steps.
Aiyoh, I hope that everyone can cool down and refrain from posting harsh words on a public forum because it degrades our humanity and dignity. If we want to comment and contribute, do so with facts, figures and offer ideas and hands to make Selangor a better place for us to live in. I help farmers be they staunch supporters of UNMO, PAS, PKR, DAP, MCA, MIC make a living & none of them are as agressive as some blog contributors. Please give Tan Sri Khalid the benefit of doubt when he gave the greenlight for the project. He could have walked away, do nothing & let status quo remain for political survival but he took a principled stand even in the face of opposition. The site is still vacant & at this very moment as we quarrel, there are still many, many small farms scattered all over Selangor that have been operating for decades without or with outdated sewage treatment. We need to relocate them soonest into a biosecure zone that is equipped with all the facilities, failure which will cause further damage to our environment & endanger the health of the people (farmers & neighbouring communities alike). Observing Tan Sri doing his level best to resolve so many issues, he has earned my respect as a leader so much so I am compelled to offer my advice/inputs free of charge in the subject of minimizing pollution and odour from the new farm. (YB Theresa, you can contact me at my e-mail if needed).
[quote=”lee wee tak”]”..Oleh itu, tak salah jika cukai Cina dipakai untuk modenkan urusan kebun babi. Pekebun babi pun banyak bayar cukai dan banting tulang cari rezeki. Secara tidak langsung, orang Islam pun bermanfaat kerana alam sekitar boleh dijaga. Duit cukai Cina telah lama diguna untuk membuat surau dan masjid. Gua pun tak marah..”[/quote]
Kawan, kami org Muslim bina surau dan masjid dengan menggunakan duit pungutan zakat kami sendiri, maaflah.. babi dan segala hasil darinya adalah haram bagi kami
Sila jangan buat andaian dan kenyataan melulu tanpa usul periksa terlebih dahulu..
Regarding this issue, i’m totally disagree with it, not only as a Muslim, but think about the effect on the surrounding area,NON MALAY also complaining about the pig farm,take a look in Melaka, for 50 years we Muslim have been suffered, yes, you might say that, we are using world most sophisticated technology, by the time the stinks, the disease spread,JE and so on, please don’t say like this
“..Ohh.. we have spend RM100m on Rakyat’s money, then, we just can’t stop now..it’s a waste..”
If you are using “Duit Rakyat”, let the rakyat’s have their return back, EQUALLY.. as Malaysian pay for it, then the Malaysian should benefited from it.. Okay,i mean no harm here, just a speak of a Malaysian, a proud Malaysian!
Jangan saman saya, saya orang susah.. ;D