Soalan No: 171
Tarikh: 18.06.2007 – 10.07.2007
Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Seputeh) minta MENTERI KEWANGAN menyatakan hasil pembayaran cukai individu mengikut pecahan kaum dan cukai syarikat yang telah diterima oleh Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) dan pada tahun 2001 hingga 2006.
Tuan Yang Dipertua, Untuk makluman Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, maklumat pembayaran cukai disimpan mengikut jenis fail dan bukannya mengikut kaum. Kutipan hasil cukai pendapatan individu dan syarikat bagi tahun 2001 hingga 2006 adalah seperti berikut:
Tahun | Kutipan Individu (RM juta) | Kutipan Syarikat (RM juta) | JUMLAH |
2001 |
9,436 |
20,772 |
30,208 |
2002 |
9,889 |
24,643 |
34,532 |
2003 |
7,984 |
23,990 |
31,974 |
2004 |
8,977 |
24,388 |
33,365 |
2005 |
8,649 |
26,381 |
35,030 |
2006 |
10,196 |
26,477 |
36,673 |
Companies pay tax at 27% ++ while individuals pay tax from 1% to 27% at scale rates, after reliefs and rebates.
If you look at the ratio, it’s about 1/3 of the tax collection is from individuals.
It could means a few things:-
1) more people than companies pay tax – logical as people running sole proprietorship and partnership businesses pay taxes as individuals
2) individual tax payers include those wworking for government hence their income is not derived from taxable profits of companies
3) companies have more room for tax planning as compared to individuals
4) in economic downturns, people still get paid while company profits would be lower hence tax collected may be lower
But more important question is what happen to all those moeny collected?
We have collapsing buildings, no recreation facilites for the rakyat, lousy roads, bloated headcount of civil servants, not up to standard healthcare system etc
Breakdown by races is nto possible? Mahathir mentioned a year ago in Kedah that Chinese contributed the most taxes…he surely must have some basis to support his claim.
I remember TDM mentioned in a Kedah’s merchant guild meeting a couple of years back saying that the majority of the tax collected are from Chinese, implying that Chinese generally earn the most in Malaysia comapred to other races. How did the ex-PM arived at the conclusion?
(I suppose this would relate to income that is on the table, duly reported and accounted for)
Software like microsoft access / microsof excel can massage data on taxes collected from individuals to derive the tax payment on race basis. Do-able. perhaps
Indi Company Total % Ind % Coy
2001 9,436 20,772 30,208 31% 69%
2002 9,889 24,643 34,532 29% 71%
2003 7,984 23,990 31,974 25% 75%
2004 8,977 24,388 33,365 27% 73%
2005 8,649 26,381 35,030 25% 75%
2006 10,196 26,477 36,673 28% 72%
Looking at what is in the reply; it seems logical. Company tax rates is 28% while individuals bear tax at scale rates.
i heard many SME are now subj to tax audit. Fear among many small business.
But if you look at many many other Pasar Malam, Nasi lemak, mee rebus , fish sellers…in market, they are not subj to any tax audit. How to you audit them>?
They are many others are not paying taxes… like Prostitutes, massagers…Their income could be saggering RM30,000 per month.
They must be a better way that tax should be equally contributed by all races , all income earners and all sideline businesses. It is up to our tax dept to hire creative people to track down the people that should pay taxes, rather than chasing chinese everyday.
i have thousand stories to tell…
It is rather unbelievable that the MOF has sidestep the question that you have asked so non chalantly. He totally ignored your request to get the breakdown by race. If the ministry has no respect for the MPs in the parliment how on earth ae they ever going to be accountable to the rakyat?
If the LHDN does not file according to race, then you should kindly ask him to go and get his staff to tabulate it. It is all available in the forms. I don’t think you should let the LHDN get away with such a shoddy reply.
apa motif sebenar ni ?
mula-mula nak pecahan ikut kaum, lepas tu apa ?
pecahan ikut agama pulak ??
apakah tiada agenda lain yang lebih baik daripada asyik bermain isu kaum ..apakah dap selesa dengan bersikap racist ?
tapi saya sebenarnya lihat dap sejak dahulu hingga skrg bersikap anti-melayu & Islam ..
dap sepatutnya mempersoalkan kadar pelepasan yang agak ketinggalan berbanding sara hidup hari ini.. ini lebih bagus untuk menjaga kebajikan golongan berpendapatan rendah dan banyak tanggungan ..
bukan mempersoalkan berapa ringgit yang dibayar oleh setiap kaum atau agama.. apakah kalau cina bayar RM1.00 dan melayu bayar 10sen , atau india bayar RM2.00 pun kenapa ?
apakah melayu tak layak menikmati kemudahan kerajaan kerana bayar cukai sikit? atau org asli yang majoritinya tak bayar cukai kita boleh abaikan ?? jadi apa motifnya hendakkan pecahan ikut kaum ? atau hanya golongan bayar cukai banyak layak menikmati kemudahan lebih?
apakah maknanya hanya golongan kaya sahajalah yang perlu kerajaan jaga sebab mereka yang bayar banyak cukai, sedangkan orang miskin tak bayar cukai.. apakah kerajaan perlu abaikan sahaja golongan miskin sebab tak mendatangkan ‘hasil’ ???
sekali lagi , apa motif dan rasional soalan ini ???